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Weird bump on Nose


Posted : 07/04/2018 7:26 am

Hello, I just wanted some advice about a really weird bump that appeared on my nose.
so 1 week ago I™ve had a large zit on my nose, and I know it™s wrong cause I™m regretting it right now, but I™ve popped it with a sterilized pin and MY FAULT, I™ve squeezed it so hard and so bad that I saw my red skin under it. I applied some ice cubes and ointment, the next day it turned into a round big white bump, and MY FAULT AGAIN, i popped it and I™m really regretting it so bad, some pus came out then I stopped and applied ointment on it. The next day a scab was formed and it fell off on it™s own. Now this zit is gone but there is still a bump that is really red and round shaped, and when I press on it it feels empty like there™s nothing inside it. It™s annoying me I™m afraid it™s gonna be permanent. 
Any advice on how to flatten it? I really want to get rid of it. It™s week 2 and it™s still there, I™m really stressing about it :(
This was a long story but I really need help. Thanks.


Posted : 07/04/2018 2:01 pm

Hey, so keep on using ice compress night and day. Also use some aloe vera to heal the scarring over time.
I could also recommend using some clay with lavender oil etc on top of the spot once a day as well.
Take care


Posted : 07/04/2018 5:10 pm

Thanks for the reply!
the bump was red and now it is turning white :s
I think its infected or something.
Thanks for the advice anyway.
