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Blind Pimples


Posted : 03/27/2018 2:00 pm

Hello everyone.

I'm 20 years old and I'm taking Accutane since January. I mostly have blackheads and some pimples that gets very unconfortable.

Anyways, from time to time some blind pimples come across my face. Yeah. Usually, I manage to remove them by myself, because my derma said that she cannot do it by herself. Ok.

Yesterday (03/26), another BIG blind plimpe popped up. It was huge, it looked like I was beat in the face (someone said it in college). I've managed to don't touch it but today I had a breakthrough and tried to remove it. Failed.

Now I have the same blind plimpe on my face and don't know the hell I can do to remove it. My self-steem gets very damaged when I'm facing these encounters (and that's why I'm taking accutane).

I'm trying to get someone to apply cortisone on it, but apparently in Brazil there aren't many derma that does that job.

Do you guys have any advice in any matter? Even to it look better or get smaller? I'm failling work/college due to this shit.

Thank you very much for this space to express my problem.


Posted : 03/27/2018 3:09 pm

So sorry for your plight..especially that the derm will not give you an injection into the lesion..I do not understand why its become a full time business to get good treatment for acne! Is a topical hydrocortisone cream available? It should be...try that and also you should be able to find a mask or cream with sulphur in it...put that on at night and sleep with it ...sulphur is great for drawing out impurities and reduces inflammation...its cheap but the heath care and drug companies would rather us apply gels and lotions that cost $100...good luck and update us!


Posted : 03/27/2018 3:14 pm

48 minutes ago, robinclooney said:

So sorry for your plight..especially that the derm will not give you an injection into the lesion..I do not understand why its become a full time business to get good treatment for acne! Is a topical hydrocortisone cream available? It should be...try that and also you should be able to find a mask or cream with sulphur in it...put that on at night and sleep with it ...sulphur is great for drawing out impurities and reduces inflammation...its cheap but the heath care and drug companies would rather us apply gels and lotions that cost $100...good luck and update us!


Thanks for taking your time to answer me.

I'm thinking about a cream Hidrocortisone Acetate. It's 10mg/g.

Is it a good idea?

My derma sent me a message saying that applying cortisone on acne isn't recommended.

@edit 1

Will buy both creams. I will update you guys with all new info.


Posted : 03/28/2018 9:41 am

18 hours ago, PracticalMop said:

Thanks for taking your time to answer me.

I'm thinking about a cream Hidrocortisone Acetate. It's 10mg/g.

Is it a good idea?

My derma sent me a message saying that applying cortisone on acne isn't recommended.

@edit 1

Will buy both creams. I will update you guys with all new info.


just dont use the cortisone cream cream long thins out the skin, but for short term use Im using it for the past week...good luck and looking forward to hearing back!


Posted : 03/28/2018 4:27 pm

First update.

Nothing happened. Apparently the skin is getting better, but it's still big (not like when I tried to remove it).

I'm thinking about going to a regular doctor to see if I need to take some antiobiotics or something. Kinda afraid of getting a infection due to my try to remove the pimple.

Anyways, I'm using the cream only for like 12h in a day or less (when I get home till I have to go to the college, cause at that time I have to put something above the wound to don't panic about it and get worse with my self esteem).

The sulphur cream I didn't manage to find. Got a sulphur soap. Cleaning it twice a day.


How much time should I take it? As I said, I'm taking Accutane, so this side effect gets me worried.

Thanks for your attention.


Posted : 04/01/2018 3:33 pm

Second update.

It has passed four days since my last update.

The pimple is now almost 100% gone, which is great.

Sadly, I think it will give me a PIE.

Will update you guys with new information, if there shows up any.

See ya.
