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Masturbation Acne 2018!


Posted : 02/05/2018 12:40 am

if you knew for a fact that masturbation caused your acne would you still masturbate?


Posted : 02/05/2018 3:46 am

End of day 16

I just realized that i have flatlined. yesterday and today i noticed i was feeling very little energy and a bit depressed actually. i just felt empty. this girl was taking to me and she even said wanna go on a date?(btw idk if she was joking or not) but my brain and mind was just empty. i felt very unresponsive. She was trying to get me to talk and she said "the fact that you don't have any questions to ask me shows that you are uninterested!" i should have been a lot more interested but i kinda felt out of it. and today i feel kinda empty and a bit sad. This makes sense though because once you stop PMO, you have to go through flatline phase in order to reboot

i highly recommend you read this if you are wondering what flatline is and what the symptoms are


Posted : 02/06/2018 11:39 am

day 18


Posted : 02/06/2018 8:30 pm

ok wait!! ACTUALLY i didn't flatline because i have been crazy horny yesterday and today. i legit am about to fail. please HELPPPP! lol i need someone else in this journey. I almost just convinced myself to masturbate again. i really want to.. ugh i feel like i'm gonna fail within these next couple of days. i need strength/support

day 18 my longest streak so far. skin looking better. remember good face or good orgasm? I AM NOT A SLAVE


Posted : 02/06/2018 11:07 pm

i suspect that masturbation and the development of acne might actually be an evolutionary trait. if you are masturbating and watching porn then it is likely that being stuck in that cycle will lead to broken relationships in the future. it could lead to very real problems such as erectile dysfunction or not being able to be turned on by a real life girl. So the reason why some people get acne after masturbating might actually be to act as a warning sign that that person will not be the best potential mate since they're masturbating and porn habits are destined to lead that person to failure when it comes to relationships.
I know that might sound completely whacky but it's a potential thought i had.
I firmly believe that acne isn't normal. there should be no need for acne at all. however something you are doing to your body is not right and therefore triggering it !

btw thankfully got over my urges and am back to work


Posted : 02/07/2018 8:27 pm

day 19
feeling good today no urges. talked to some girls

You do realize this is life changing right? i literally feel myself turning around. Tournament in a few days but it's actually perfect because in the past i have always been fapping and that might have lowered my energy levels and made me more fatigued. No idk if that's true but
boxer Muhammad Ali would not have any sex 3 weeks before his match because he wanted every ounce of strength he could muster. my tournament will be on week 3 so this is good timing;)

btw when i rub my face it's almost smooth minus a couple of bumps that are about to fade right near right side of mouth. If only i hadn't put myself through this misery for so long


Posted : 02/08/2018 11:46 am

Day 20

havent made it this far in years boys


Posted : 02/09/2018 1:15 pm

Day 21!!!

made it to three weeks


Posted : 02/10/2018 11:34 pm

day 22 skin looking good:D face is smooth now finally. no active bumps. a couple of fading bumps. i still have red marks obviously but those take a while to fade/heal. but i'm happy


Posted : 02/11/2018 7:45 pm

day 23

Binga liked

Posted : 02/11/2018 9:37 pm

Masturbation (or more specifically ejaculation) have fleeting effects on testosterone levels. Levels will increase during masturbation or intercourse but drop afterwards. What is the more important hormonal reaction is the spike in prolactin caused after masturbation (or in oxytocin after sex).

Another interesting effect may be due to the effect on Zinc levels which are substantially reduced after ejaculation. Replacing these is not as simple as taking a zinc pill as the bioavailability isn't all that high so it takes a few days of supplementation to replenish levels to a desirable level.

I do believe masturbation has a link to acne. I am talking about masturbating 4 times a week or more. I think once a week Is a nice optimal level.


Posted : 02/11/2018 10:02 pm

i was so close to failing. i edged. i hardly touched my dick. i was kinda lightly playing with it butit was throbbing. like if i pumped even 5 strokes i would have come lol. i didn't look at porn but this rush of pure desire came over me. i wanted to release so bad. i was talking myself into it too. i was just getting turned on by the fact that my dick was so hard and it got longer since i started nofap. like it got a lot longer. like at least an inch


Posted : 02/12/2018 1:37 pm

ok day 24 had a couple CLOSE CALLS!! i gotta get it out of my mind


Posted : 02/13/2018 5:15 am

guys i failed at day 25!!!:(
i kept searching and searching and i watched porn that was my problem. i'm disappointed


Posted : 03/14/2018 7:40 pm

On 2/13/2018 at 5:15 AM, ninjection said:

guys i failed at day 25!!!:(
i kept searching and searching and i watched porn that was my problem. i'm disappointed

I think ninjection is on to something. I read this post a couple months ago thinking this was some funny shit, but now that I am paying closer attention, I to get new pimples after masturbating. Sometimes it will happen same day and other times it will happen the next day, but i have noticed it.

So far I have been 2 days without doing it and no new pimples (i usually get a new one a day or start to see it develop under the skin). This sounds weird as shit, but I am believing more and more that masturbation makes MY acne worse...


Posted : 03/14/2018 8:19 pm

I'd rather have acne than go without masturbating. If masturbating actually triggers acne, just get an oral medication to help counteract it. No one should be deprived of sexual pleasure and its benefits because they're worried about getting a zit from it.


Posted : 03/15/2018 12:14 pm

On 2018-01-24 at 8:23 AM, ninjection said:

I don't know about sex. i would think it still causes acne if masturbation causes it for you. why? are you having sex and have acne?

Yes have sex and acne. I do get more acne after spending weekends with my girlfriend, but that might be because of us consuming a lot of alcohol and sweets.


Posted : 03/15/2018 4:55 pm

It may help, I've never noticed enough of an effect in either direction - but even it helps it's still just going to be, in my opinion, another "leg" of your acne gameplan. If you have bad diet, exercise, or cleaning methods, it's effect couldn't possibly negate those.

If it ends up being a "miracle" cure for anyone it would be, in my opinion, because they already have other facets of their health and life in order with respect to acne.

But I've heard this being toted many many times in past few years so I think there very well may be something behind it. I think there are different degrees of anecdotal evidence. I haven't heard it just once or twice, there are plenty of entire forums and communities dedicated to this specific facet of acne and health in general.

Try it out!


Posted : 08/28/2018 7:04 am

Man this thread brings back many memories @ninjectionglad to see you doing this. Ive been trying to do this on and off for the past 8 years. Although now i do it for different purposes because my acne cleared now probably cuz puberty is over. (i feel old now) Anyways Day 1.


Posted : 08/28/2018 12:43 pm

On 23.01.2018 at 11:05 PM, ninjection said:

no fap streak

this is one of the best things I read on this forum.


Posted : 09/29/2018 4:54 pm

My dear friends, here i am, back after all these years.

I was 15 then and im 19 now.i was just going through the masturbation acne thread again. wow man, so much support and love.

I didnt really know enough back then and didnt have enough drive or discipline. i continued PMOing throughout high school.

This year from april to august i went 5 months without fapping. 155 days!!!!! I felt amazing and i was improving so much

Recently I fell back but im getting up again, determined. I didnt stop then even though i felt like crap, but now i know better. If any of you see this, please PLEASE respond back or message me.

On day 11...
Yes my skin did clear up dramatically after the five months. But it only started actually clearing after 3 months. I think up until then, i was purging. I mean cmon, years of daily PMO cant just be fixed instantaneously. Right now its not too bad but i broke out on my forehead after my relapse when it was clear before that. So... ya

This is real, its no placebo. Your semen is your life force, that nourishes your body and skin. dont release it cheaply otherwise you will pay a heavy price, in our case acne

If you guys are unsure whether there is a connection, trust me: THERE PROBABLY IS!!!! I have done the hard work to find out, i went 5 months clean and yup its true. Nofap= glowy acne free skin... but a lot of people say its a myth, probably because they have never gotten past a couple weeks on nofap.

This will take months. Many months of discipline, not days or even weeks for most of us.

DO NOT be mislead by the media and the so called professionals and dermatologists!!! Please for your own sake. If you are struggling with acne, trust your instinct. It IS partially or largely due to excessive PMO (porn, masturbation, orgasm) use that is severely messing up your hormones.

Dont look to these experts and trick yourself into continuing your lustful ways. Break out of these patterns or your life will definitely be ruined. if youre reading this, it probably already has.

Acne sucks but its not purely genetic. And if youre getting bad cystic acne, and constantly PMOing, well put two and two together and if you dont believe me, experiment yourself. Go at least 120 days without PMO. Ya i know for most of us, that seems impossible, but when you really want to do something, when your life depends on it, youll get it done. But until then, you will become more depressed, socially awkward, confused, worse acne, living like a zombie.

Most of your symptoms including acne are caused by your sexual indulgence

Cmon brothers, cmon sisters. You know this to be true, you had a suspicion. Trust your heart and cut out this destructive addiction before it steals the next few years of your life and happiness.

Some People will go to any measures, even risk their careers, reputation, and relationships to get sexual pleasure.

In the same way, you must go to any lengths to get away from PMO.

For thoseof you who arent affected in skin by masturbation, thats great. However that doesnt mean its a myth for everyone else. There are some of us less fortunate folks who have a genetic makeup that makes us more prone to get acne from PMO.

You will undoubtedly develop negative symptoms from excessive PMO tho thats for sure. They may be depression or ED or other health problems.

Stay on nofap. If you are pure on the inside, you will be pure on the outside

I know diet and sleep and exercise play a part in skin too. But the biggsst thing is masturbation (for us unlucky folk). Because i have always exercised and ate healthy and still bad acne

Last thing, GIRLS! Yes PMO affects your skin too. If you are suffering from breakouts, check your PMO use. Ive only seen a few reports from girls noticing their skin breaking out because of PMO, but its definitely a thing. i think its just more common for guyz since more guyz PMO. But girls you are not alone. I currently am in touch with 3 girls who struggle with sexual purity.

Again forums are your friend

There are many reports of people skin clearing or improving. Just type in "nofap acne". check reddit


Posted : 11/06/2018 10:04 pm

I definitely do believe masturbation cause acne for some individuals. I just learned that I am one of those unlucky individuals after trial and experiment. I get cystic acne on the chin when ever I masturbate on the same day. I go one week without fapping and my acne clears up and no new acne. It is so hard to not fap though in this age and time lol. I wish there was another solution. People who says masturbation affect acne are lucky. Just because you don't get acne from masturbation does not mean everyone else won't as well.


Posted : 12/26/2023 11:14 am

yeah we had a big experiment about this back in 2013/2014 but i think the thread dissapeared now

it's a case by case thing, doesn't apply to everyone and it's not something that cures the problem fully either

however for those of us who suspected it's an issue and tried no fap, we noticed good results after doing it for a few weeks/months

there's so many triggers for acne and it's impossible to have a solution for everyone, sometimes it's a mix of solutions

and yes, you do have to choose between orgasms/no orgasms for the rest of your life, but for those of us whose acne is so debilitating that you're ashamed to even get undressed because of chest/back/neck acne, it's a choice we make and we can at least enjoy going outside and seeing people for other activities

everyone has their burdens in life, this is ours, what can you do
