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Acne and genetics


Posted : 12/08/2017 10:26 pm

I have a question , My mother had acne and my father had clear skin. My mother tells me she also used to get acne till she was 22. My sister also had acne till age of 21 or 22. I am currently 20 years of age so my question is will my acne stop in 1 or 2 years or it can continue beyond that ?
Waiting for replies !!!


Posted : 12/09/2017 8:57 am

It's very hard even though they share some similarities with your genetics you can't be sure if you acne will go.
My brother had acne from 13-18, hes 23 now and he doesn't literally have a single acne on his face.

I'm 21 now unfortunately my acne didn't go when I turned18 probably because I have more testosterone producing in my body because my hair is thicker and more than my brother. And I used benzoyl peroxide for sometime maybe that disrupted my face but I don't think so. My brother didn't use anything for his skin he hardly even washed it... and it wen't away on it's own one summer holiday. Ask your sister or your mother what she did to get rid of her acne if she didn't do anything and it went on its own then trust me don't use anything just let nature do its course cause if you start introducing harsh products to your face it might prologue your acne. 

Your best guide is your family, mother and sister. I hope this helps your cause :) Feel free to ask me anything you want


Posted : 12/10/2017 4:08 am

Do you get hyperpigmen

19 hours ago, SRHT said:

It's very hard even though they share some similarities with your genetics you can't be sure if you acne will go.
My brother had acne from 13-18, hes 23 now and he doesn't literally have a single acne on his face.

I'm 21 now unfortunately my acne didn't go when I turned18 probably because I have more testosterone producing in my body because my hair is thicker and more than my brother. And I used benzoyl peroxide for sometime maybe that disrupted my face but I don't think so. My brother didn't use anything for his skin he hardly even washed it... and it wen't away on it's own one summer holiday. Ask your sister or your mother what she did to get rid of her acne if she didn't do anything and it went on its own then trust me don't use anything just let nature do its course cause if you start introducing harsh products to your face it might prologue your acne. 

Your best guide is your family, mother and sister. I hope this helps your cause :) Feel free to ask me anything you want

Do you get brown marks from hyperpigmentation ? If yes how many days do they last and how you treat them ?


Posted : 12/10/2017 2:10 pm

Yes I do get those red marks, on my cheek they last about a week but on my forehead they last 2 weeks generally they disappear by their own when your skin sheds. Thankfully I don't get any scars I've literally had tons of acne over the years but no deep holes or anything and my red marks aren't visible from last months acne. I don't treat my red marks they just go by their own, however glycolic acid is the best for red marks and hyperpigmentations if used properly.


Posted : 12/11/2017 11:42 am

It does sound like it will even out on its own but if you don't want to wait another couple years it wouldn't hurt to try some common acne treatments that are also known to kill demodex mites. For example a tub of ZZ cream is roughly $45 and would last close to a month if only used facially. If your acne was caused by demodex you would see results with it in a few weeks. Its up to you whether thats worth it to you.
