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'Popped' closed comedone/blackhead- and now it's worse!


Posted : 11/23/2017 4:24 am

Hey All,

So yes, I've committed one of the worst skin crimes; I extracted (well attempted to extract) a closed comedone/blackhead type spot. It was really small, uninflamed, under the skin type closed comedone, and it really bugged me because there were a couple and it made the skin texture on my cheek look horrible. Against my better judgement, I got a sterilised needed and attempted to extract it. All it did was make my skin bleed and cause a big swelling where the comedone was. And now 24hrs later, it's still swollen.

My question is, does anyone have any advice on how to bring down the swelling. It doesn't hurt, it's not sore or anything, it's just frustrating.

(In the attached picture, it's the zit looking bump at the top next my nose)
All advice will be greatly appreciated!

Also, if anyone knows of any products that improve skin texture in general and reduce pores, please recommend!


Posted : 11/23/2017 9:20 am

Stop! Messing with your face,you got lovely skin and pretty also,stop! Thats an order!
