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Does this look like fungal acne???


Posted : 11/07/2017 10:43 pm

Hello everyone,

I decided to join here because I have been struggling with my skin since I was 13 years old (I™m 20 now btw). Since then I have tried everything I could think of to get rid of my pimples from tooth paste, ice cubes, benzoyl peroxide, oral antibiotics, etc. 

I am till using benzoyl peroxide since this is the only thing that seems to be doing something to my skin, but I still consider that I have a problem. The first years I™ve had pimples, they were bigger and were painful most of the time, but not anymore.  Now (as you can see on the picture, I have mostly small reddish bumps that will not go away no matter what I put on them! These bumps are just not reacting to anything and never transform into white heads.

Since I don™t have a family doctor, it™s really hard for me to see a doctor (especially for something that is not urgent like acne), so Accutane is not in my options now. I just don™t know what to do anymore I feel so ugly all the time and I™m just discouraged. Does anybody had something similar?? How did it go Away?? Is this fungal acne???

I clean my skin with cetaphil for sensitive skin then moisturize every morning and I clean before applying benzoyl peroxide before going to bed. Should I do something different?

Every advice/story would be so appreciated 




Posted : 11/08/2017 1:20 am

Obviously, your face is telling you that it's sick and tired of all those goo. Maybe you should take a breather. Try the Caveman's regimen, whereby you apply NOTHING to your face alone: No washing, no toning, no moisturizing, nada, zip, zilch!

If everything goes well as intended, then try washing your face with just water once at night for another 7 days.

If everything goes well for another 7 days, then I suggest you start light by applying the coconut oil + baking powder mask. TheInstruction can be found below:

Coconut Oil + Baking Powder Face Wash


Posted : 11/09/2017 11:51 pm

Looks like non-inflammatory, comedonal acne. That type seems to respond really well to topicals that speed up cell turnover rate, like Differin (adapalene), which is now over the counter for roughly $12 in the USA. :) 


Posted : 11/10/2017 8:42 am

I would say that is comedonal acne.

Here are the steps for steaming a clean face and getting the best results:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Exfoliating
  3. Steaming
  4. Applying a Mask/ using (Gly/Sal Pads)/Extractions
  5. Moisturizing

1. Cleansing : Cleansing your skin first is important so that you don't clog pores. Start with a fresh clean face. After steaming it will be more easy for you to remove comedones such as blackhead and whiteheads and small pimples ready to be extracted. When you steam your face you open up your pores and if you don't cleanse first, makeup, sweat, dirt, debris and etc.

2.Exfoliate: Gently exfoliate the skin with a gentle a scrub in small circular motions. Make sure to focus on areas around the nose and forehead.

3. Steam: After cleansing... then by steaming the skin this will cause the skin to soften and for pores will be opened. Afterwards, while pores are open applying masks and serums will be better absorbed into the skin, penetrating deeper and removing toxins.

4. Mask: After steaming applying a mask or any other topical solution will penetrate the skin deeper allowing the effects of the mask to more effectively promote healthier skin.

5. Moisturize: Moisturizing with the right type of moisturizer as your last step will hydrate your skin. And always remember to apply a broad spectrum SPF 30 and above to protect from UV harmful damage. And to promote and maintain healthy youthful skin.
