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How bad do you think my acne is


Posted : 09/03/2017 12:28 am

So I've had acne since probably seventh grade. It bothers me and I would so love to have perfectly clear skin, but it's never been something that has made me feel bad about myself and it doesn't make me feel any less confident. They're pretty easy to cover with makeup.I do get cysts (have one right now) and those are the most bothersome. They linger for so long and some never fully go away. My derm suggested accutane, but it causes joint pain in some people and I really can't risk that considering my joints hurt enough from sports. So how bad do you think my acne is and does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it better. 

My my left side is my worse side when it comes to acne, my right side for the most part is fine. I get nothing on my forehead so no reason in posting thatimage.jpgimage.jpg


Posted : 09/03/2017 1:57 pm

We'll this is how it started for me. I had one breakout which looked like yours when I was 16 and I resorted to picking and popping and occasionally using BP or Clindamycin. I messed up my skin badly.

You're right, it seems acne favors your left cheek. I can see a few cystic acne for which you should probably start treatment. Trust me, they never go away for weeks.

You can discuss your concerns with the dermatologist and ask for a different drug.
