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What type of acne is this? Please help..(pics)


Posted : 07/27/2017 4:42 am

I've been having breakouts recently, all which I've attempted to treat with various products out of desperation (we all know how well that goes). As a background: this is completely unlike my usual skin behavior. Typically, I'd get occasional forehead and back acne, with some spots of bumps on my arms. But for the past months, I've gone though extreme life changes, and my skin is not letting me forget it! Now there are bumps on my forehead, cheeks, neck, chest, breasts, back, stomach, and legs. I have tried applying natural substances like castor, argon, and jajoba oil - but no luck.  They also seem to worsen or "wake up" after showers. I know stress is likely causing this - but now that makes me stress over de-stressing! It's all terribly discouraging, I'm feeling so defeated that I'd love any input at least on the situation. What type of acne is this? What would help? IMG_1379.JPGIMG_1380.JPGIMG_1381.JPGIMG_1382.JPGIMG_1385.JPG


Posted : 07/27/2017 11:27 pm

Hi, interesting fact I just joined the forum after finding this place earlier today... and then seeing your posted images which are alarmingly similar to my skin issue...
I have a similar problem (whiteheads, red angry ring around it, all over, 'wakes up' as you put it after a shower or in direct sunlight, skin treatment didn't help) and mine wasn't as benign as a simple acne :(
but, maybe I can help a little bit. My condition looked very similar to yours but I'd like to ask some questions if you don't mind? Might be a little gross but...

  1.  Does it itch?
  2.  Have you uh... removed any and if so is there any solid matter inside? (in my case it was a whitish, sesame shaped, waxy looking thing... almost like a grain of rice or salt or a sesame seed surrounded by white fluid.)
  3. How long have you had it?
  4. Have you taken any antibiotics or topical steroid? (for infection or illness, not the bodybuilding type)
  5. Does sunlight aggravate it? (Mine turns an angry red when exposed to direct sunlight)

I've always had some degree of acne similar to what your describing but a few years ago I had a period of about eight months where I lost my home and nearly lost my only family over a nasty dispute. That stressed me out I can tell you... a week after having to go to a specialized shelter for people who need special housing (I have some severe disabilities) I broke out in acne similar to what your images look like... I however didn't have access to acne treatment medicines and the condition lingered. Sadly it spread like a zombie outbreak :( Interesting fact, my skin also had a neon orange fluorescence under a black light which if I researched it correctly signifies the presence of fungi... ringworm is lime green, yeast (similar to my condition) is orange.

 I have them in uncountable numbers on my upper chest, shoulders, back, forearms, face, neck and some on my legs. Topical acne meds didn't work, nor natural stuff like Apple Cider Vinegar baths.

Turns out MY condition wasn't actually acne but a symbiotic fungal infection of the skin, Majocchi's granuloma, which when I looked it up looked nothing like the medical imagery. It lives on the hair shaft of all human beings but in my case decided the root was more comfortable and moved in under my skin where it started causing problems for me.
It took a biopsy from a dermatologist to identify it, and sadly for me I can't handle the typical medicine given for this condition... made me quite literally insane. The first time he gave me a steroid cream thinking it was an uncommon form of acne, wrong thing to do since the cream would have made it go nuts if I'd used it. 

The information list should help others who have more knowledge on acne help you figure out what to do, but if your really worried... a visit to a dermatologist would make sure it's not anything serious.
now that said... don't panic about this, it could be severe acne, an allergic reaction, or something worse like mine was. If its really bad, as in its everywhere, I strongly recommend a dermatologist do either a punch biopsy and a swab to check it. I spent years trying to find a solution before ending up in the dermatologist office.

Since I'm not a professional, I shouldn't really be saying anything, but again, the resemblance to my problem is alarming and the doctors couldn't figure out what was going on. I probably won't respond after this post, I just wanted to offer some information.

Hope this helps a little,

