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Can someone tell me what this is


Posted : 05/23/2017 12:13 pm

It's only on one side of my face and doesn't go away! The other side is perfectly fine, I've tried changing things such as changing my pillowcase more often drinking more water - I don't eat greasy foods, chips etc..  I feel like it gets better then comes back again :( it's been like this for months and it's so depressing ! If anyone had something similar please share with me. 



Posted : 05/23/2017 2:52 pm

It looks like a mixture of active acne and some hyperpigmentation. When you rub your finger across the surface of your skin, does your skin feel smooth, or do you notice that it feels like you're having an active breakout?

Take a look at this article from the website and see if it fits what you are having:

Unfortunately, oftentimes pictures are difficult to determine exactly what a person is going through, as a lot of stuff looks similar!

Keep us updated and let me know if hyperpigmentation seems to be the culprit.
