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10 year old with spots on back of head


Posted : 04/27/2017 5:47 am

Hi. My son has very sore spots on the back of his head. Painful and sometimes infected. He's not so bothered by it but has had taunts at school. He's about to start secondary school which is obviously a battlefield. I used to suffer from acne (face & chest) and I was bullied and suffered severe depression because of it.
We've used over the counter meds and he has an appointment at the gp this afternoon. Can anyone recommend a shampoo which may help. On occasion I've squeezed the spots which were obviously pus filled and this reduced them to scabs. He can't stand me picking them.


Posted : 04/27/2017 6:36 pm

I was getting those as an adult several years back. I believe you will need to trial a few different dandruff shampoos until you find one that is right. I know you might say "he doesn't have dandruff" but they seem to have the right stuff to calm the scalp.

Also, you would not believe the roll diet can play here. Sugars can really breed the bad stuff in the body. I can talk more on that if anyone cares.

Also, I visited the dermatologist years ago on this and got a nice topical corticosteroid that is just a miracle worker on those scalp bastards! Knock them down in a day!
