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WORST CASE of Acne! I promise...


Posted : 11/14/2016 12:06 am

I have one of the WORST cases of acne. I'm not sure what it is. Depressed is an understatement on how I'm feeling.

I've tried cutting out Dairy and everything.
I've spent $30 on products; Clean & Clear BP 10% Wash, Neutrogena Salicylic Acid 2% Wash and I have every vitamin moisturizer you can think of.

Dark spots, painful acne, under-the-skin acne... white heads calmed down due to the products but they still erupt (as you can see).

NO RESULTS!! I don't think hormonal acne is THIS bad... no way.

Hopefully somebody can help me. I have a dermatologist appointment Wednesday... but I want feedback from you guys first.

BTW This started about 5 months ago i believe

Desctop screenshot2.png

Desctop screenshot.png


Posted : 11/14/2016 1:00 am

Try what i did, i always prefer natural so i don't know if you'd like it but it worked for me.
Apply fresh aloe vera to your face after washing and let it dry, don't wash it. I do this twice a day everyday for 12 days now and still going and it helped me alot. Although the scars are still there but no pimples growing. so goodluck!


Posted : 11/14/2016 10:54 am

Accutane might be the solution for you. It has a 90% chance of healing your acne forever. Really, this is the most efficient treatment so far.


Posted : 11/14/2016 10:42 pm

I saw your post and this what made me start mine! Please take a look at it. I'm still editing but due to school, I'll probably finish it later on.. [Edited link out]



Posted : 11/15/2016 1:07 pm

First thing try to relax stress isn't do you any favours. 2. Wait until you see the derm to see what they have to say. Good luck and let us know how it goes :) 
