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Bump on head that will not go away.


Posted : 11/07/2016 2:16 pm

What is on my forehead? It's been like this for a year, and gets slightly bigger over time. If you try to pop it, nothing happens. This is really annoying me.

last time I went to the dermatologist they said it will come to a head or its just a colorless mole. ITS BEEN HERE FOR A YEAR. I want to go back and get it removed. [Edited image out]


Posted : 11/08/2016 1:36 pm

The image that you've tried to upload isnt showing unfortunately.

If it is subcutaneous acne a regimen of gentle exfoliating (for example using a yogurt mask) combined with a cleanser that has either glycolic acid or salicylic acid might improve your condition.

Do not do any scrubs though as it may irritate the bumps further.

Again the picture does not load for me so hard to say if it is subcutaneous acne but if it is, it should be treatable :).


Posted : 11/10/2016 11:57 pm

The treatment for this will depend on what it is. It could be a cyst, osteoma, or excess bone from trauma, etc. We would need to have x-rays of this area to determine what it is and then take the appropriate treatment.
