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My advice to people who suffer from blind pimples that cause hyperpigementation.


Posted : 08/16/2016 10:10 pm

Getting small little pimples never bother me, they usually go away on their own. Whenever I get a blind pimple, regardless if I pick, leave it alone, or put BP or some other treatment it leaves a big hyperpigmented mark. Now obviously leaving it alone, or putting BP/other treatment left a lesser mark than a failed attempt at popping.

Most people will tell you to leave pimples alone, I agree for smaller pimples, but for blind pimples that eventually come to a head, I'd recommend that you put BP on it when you first see it forming. Preventing the blind pimple from getting bigger prevents the hyperpigmented marks in my case at least. BP gets a terrible wrap, and your skin might not compatible with it, but for me it works far better on blind pimples compared to a natural treatment like apple cider vinegar. I use it in moderation and only put a thin layer.


Posted : 08/17/2016 12:51 am

I use salicylic acid to make the pimple turn into a whitehead. It looks bad, but I put concealer over it and it heals more quickly with a very faint mark. If I use BP, I'm guaranteed to get hyper-pigmentation. I guess the salicylic acid brings the bump to the front of the skin? idk it's different for everyone.
