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I pretty sure their clogged pores?? Help


Posted : 07/03/2016 9:24 pm

Ok so I have had these small bumps all over my face and it seems like I'm just getting more and more and I don't know to get rid of them. I think they are just clogged pores but they have been on my face for so long. At first I just had them on my forehead but now I have them on my cheeks, chin and son on my jawline along with the ones on my forehead. They are like clusters of bumps and they are everywhere! I don't like using chemicals on my face because I don't believe in doing that so id love a natural remedy if that is possible but if not then that's ok. I would love to have my flawless skin back. A couple of the bumps have turned into an actual pimple but only a few have. At the moment I am using a natural soap, it has oatmeal, honey, coconut oil and a couple of other natural ingredients. For a toner I'm using apple cider vingsr diluted with water and for moisturizer I'm using jojoba oil. The bumps look awful in bad lighting. Please help! I wanna get rid of them for good! If you need pictures just let me know and I'll post some


Posted : 07/04/2016 9:02 am

For those kind of bumps I think it's best to use a good chemical exfoliator. It sounds a bit harsh but they can be as gentle or strong as you like. salicylic acid is a good one to start off with, it's pretty gentle and is in most acne products but I think your best to use a serum or a toner with salicylic acid in it in order to get the most benefit, you could start off just using it at night to see how your skin reacts. I do like apple cider vinegar, but even diluted I did find it quite harsh on my skin, even though it's natural. I've heard philosophy do a good salicylic acid serum and Paula's choice have a good range but there are a load of brands out there. Lactic acid is also quite gentle and effective, I use a cleanser that has a small amount in it and it doesn't cause any irritation. One other thing you might want to look in to is pityrosporum folliculitis, it is basically inflammation of the hair follicles and looks like acne, it requires slightly different treatment thought,however salicylic acid can still help this as it is keep your pores clear but some people also have success treating this with anti fungal creams or washes like Nizoral. Ihave also read coconut oil isn't great for acne andcan block your pores and the jojoba oil might not be helping, although I have heard people with acne get on well with it. Maybe try switching one of these up and see if it has any effect. Good Luck x


Posted : 07/05/2016 4:37 pm

On July 4, 2016 at 10:02 AM, gkitten25 said:

For those kind of bumps I think it's best to use a good chemical exfoliator. It sounds a bit harsh but they can be as gentle or strong as you like. salicylic acid is a good one to start off with, it's pretty gentle and is in most acne products but I think your best to use a serum or a toner with salicylic acid in it in order to get the most benefit, you could start off just using it at night to see how your skin reacts. I do like apple cider vinegar, but even diluted I did find it quite harsh on my skin, even though it's natural. I've heard philosophy do a good salicylic acid serum and Paula's choice have a good range but there are a load of brands out there. Lactic acid is also quite gentle and effective, I use a cleanser that has a small amount in it and it doesn't cause any irritation. One other thing you might want to look in to is pityrosporum folliculitis, it is basically inflammation of the hair follicles and looks like acne, it requires slightly different treatment thought,however salicylic acid can still help this as it is keep your pores clear but some people also have success treating this with anti fungal creams or washes like Nizoral. Ihave also read coconut oil isn't great for acne andcan block your pores and the jojoba oil might not be helping, although I have heard people with acne get on well with it. Maybe try switching one of these up and see if it has any effect. Good Luck x

thank you so much! I've been reading aboutpityrosporum folliculitis and maybe that's what I have? Should I still be using the ACV as a toner if that's what I have? I've also read that oregano oil can help too by applying it to your face and taking it internally 2 times a day. Do you know if that will help?


Posted : 07/06/2016 9:47 pm

Another question, I'm not sure if I have clogged pore orpityrosporum folliculitis now? Dopityrosporum folliculitis have stuff inside them? (Like dirty or sebum I think is what it's called) because if I try squeezing the little bumps like this yellow/somtimes an off white string like stuff comes out? Yeah it sounds gross and it is. Thanks for whoever answers


Posted : 01/23/2020 2:53 am

Wondering if anything ever worked for you? My skin is very similar and I would love to hear now after some time of you posting this if youve had any relief!!
