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Acne and treatment story, worth a read!!


Posted : 05/10/2016 5:35 pm

Hi, this is going to be a slightly long read but it will be worth it and something I wish I had done when I was going through years of trauma with acne. My acne started when I was about 13/14 and it got worse and worse, I felt awful about my skin and had no confidence. There was not a day where I didn't have bright red skin with nasty spots and scabs all over it, I don't need to go into how it made me feel as I'm sure all acne sufferers have felt exactly the same. When I was about 15 I went to the doctors and was prescribed with doxycycline, this cleared my skin up amazingly and I was happy with my skin. After about 6 months I noticed it was coming back but I carried on using it reassuring myself that it would start working again, it didn't. I returned to the doctors who prescribed me with other antibiotics for acne which unfortunately made no difference at all but I carried on hoping one day it would change, it didn't. My acne was as bad as ever and I was feeling horrible, all my friends had nice perfect skin why couldn't I?! Another trip to the doctors and I was prescribed the dianette contraceptive pill, I was excited to see the result s and was confident it would work. Unfortunately I suffered the side effects of mood changes and became very depressed and was uncontrobally crying everyday and stopped taking it, back to the doctors I went! They then referred me to the dermatologist who put me in Yasmin pill, I didn't really notice a change but I was so fed up of going to the doctors I gave up and lived with awful skin. I had looked countlessly on the Internet for solutions and none of them worked, I honestly tried everything from masks to creams, nothing worked. One thing I didn't tryWas changing my diet to a healthier one, I'm going to be honest I have a massive sweet tooth and I love food, I have never ever been fat or overweight and have always been skinny so when this was suggested to me many times when I was researching treatment methods I looked past it because I thought well everyone else eats junk food and they have nice skin, and at that time I was enjoying my food and it just wasn't an option in my head because to me I had no reason to change. Then, I don't know what happened but I started putting on weight without noticing and then I started to really notice and become self conscious because I knew I wasn't a weight I wanted to be at and was worrying about certain clothes to wear which I had never experienced before. So, I started implementing more fruit into my diet and less take aways, also my family used to eat quite a few take aways but my dad went on a crazy healthy diet so we stopped ordering them which helped!! I tried to get my 5 a day and make sure I ate fruit and veg as much as possible and tried to cut down on sweets/chocolate, of course I still had them but I defiantly cut down. On my diet I noticed a massive change in my skin, I was no longer breaking out as much as was getting fewer and fewer spots, the redness was quite bad still but it was getting better. I have now been on my diet for a month and it's fair to say I haven't totally stuck to it, but what I have noticed is when I ate a pizza take away I had bad skin for a week, I'm not saying greasy and unhealthy food was causing my acne but not eating it has made a huge difference. At the moment I am looking in the mirror and wondering how on earth I have skin like this, I have scars and redness but I currently have one spot on my face and is the first in a while and my skin is actually skin coloured and not red. I am definitely going to carry this on as I need to loose weight. I wanted to share this story because is what I needed and wanted when I was going through the tears and depression acne caused me. I'm not saying go on a diet but If nothing else is working I would try for a few weeks to cut out oily/greasy food and eat more fresh and natural food, if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything! You can still eat chocolate and sweets if that's what you love as I know I do but just add fruit and veg on top of that. I hope this story has given someone some help or inspiration but I cannot believe the difference it has made to my skin, I am so much happier and feel healthier!!
