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zits that have pus that harden within a day?


Posted : 04/24/2016 4:15 pm

My acne is generally medium sized zits that skip the red inflamed stage and go straight to the pus filled stage in a span of 6 hours. The next day the pus is all hardened like a yellow ball. I thought this was normal until one of my friends said her pimples lasts for several days as red and inflamed, and the whitehead part never hardens and falls out. Instead, they deflate back into her skin if that makes sense. However, when the scab does fall out, i'm left with a large empty pore that stays that way. My acne is also located around my inner cheeks only. How do I solve my acne problem? Does anyone else have this problem?


Posted : 04/25/2016 2:40 am

I have had both types.
