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Posted : 04/09/2016 4:28 pm

Hello, im 15 years old and i do not experience crazy acne, but i have these kind of colorless bumps on my forehead and I've had them for quiet sometime i want to say maybe 2 years. they haven't gone away and i don't know why. I have dry skin for the most part but sometimes my forehead gets oily from my moisturizer but if i don't moisturize its too dry. I read somewhere that maybe the oil and dandruff from my hair could be a cause of this so i started to use dandruff shampoo on my clarasonic for my forehead, I've only done this for probably a week and i see small results, should i continue? Then on the rest of my face i use purity cleanser by philosophy also on my clarasonic. i also only started a few days ago to wash my face morning and night with the dandruff shampoo, usually just washing and mopisturizing my face at night is good enough because if i wash it again in the morning my skin will be more dry. For moisturizer i use the burt's bees intense hydration moisturizer (which makes my skin feel more oily tan actually hydrated). i don't know what to do because they won't go away and its a big insecurity of mine please someone help. What do i do? And any product recommendations?




Posted : 04/09/2016 9:43 pm

I think your pores are clogged. Please don't use dandruff shampoo on your face. I checked the ingredients of the Burt's Bees and it looks like it has some comedogenic ingredients. Wow, it has A LOT of ingredients. If you are prone to clogged pores, I suggest you don't use any butter on your face, eg; Cocoa butter, shea butter. I think you should change the moisturizer and if that doesn't work, change your clarisonic brush head.

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