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BIG pimple


Posted : 03/01/2016 9:24 pm

I woke up yesterday with a forming cystic pimple right smack in the center of my left cheek. I have dealt with these before (quite often actually) and put ice on it right away. I absolutely had to cover it up with makeup when I went to school, and when I got home it was bigger. I put some benzoyl peroxide on it overnight and when I woke up, it was HUGE, red, and raised. I put some concealer on it and covered it with powder. I got home and removed all the makeup and washed my face and everything and put some more benzoyl peroxide on it. Later on I took a shower and when I got out, I noticed that it had a large white spot on the tip of it. I put a warm compress on it and then gently pushed on the sides with my fingers covered with tissue. A bunch of gunk squirted all over my mirror which I was really happy about because now it can be on its way to healing. However, the area is still really red and kind of painful. I put some more benzoyl peroxide on it to help dry it out and then iced it. I don't know what else to do to help the healing process. I really hope I got all the debris out of it and need guidance on what to ut put on it while I sleep. Please help, this zit is ruling my life right now!! Picture below is the zit before I popped it.



Posted : 03/02/2016 10:24 am

Sounds like you've already done everything anyone on here would recommend. Now that you've drained it, it should heal fairly quickly. Just try to leave it alone and heal the rest of the way. Keep spot treating with the BP. I'd avoid trying to mess with it any further, or force anything else to come out (unless it comes to a head again on its own) or it may leave a mark. But at this point, it should just keep going down and reduce to nothing but a small scab. So no worries! 🙂

merecat6 liked

Posted : 03/02/2016 2:07 pm

@merecat6Try the it helps.

*Acne and DeLovely liked

Posted : 03/02/2016 6:27 pm

Now the zit is a large, red, raised scab. I knew this would happen as my skin scabs very easily. All I want to do is accelerate the healing process and get on with my life. Should I put a bandaid on it with some neosporin/aloe? What can I do to have it concealable by the weekend?


Posted : 03/05/2016 3:03 am

Hi, I was 15 when I first started getting these huge isolated cystic mountains on my cheeks and around my nose,took me 10 years to find out what was causing it,have been virtually spot free for years now,it was quite simple.

If in a day or two it's still sore and when you press it you can feel a hard lump there it means that there's still some more gunk in it.
