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Desperately seeking acne remedies


Posted : 02/20/2016 4:14 am

3 months ago I had an acne breakout for the first time in my life on my forehead, chin and the odd spot or two on my cheeks all of which have not disappeared since!! The pimples on my forehead were mostly just red bumps with some white heads in the mix, where as the acne on my chin are painful blind swollen cysts.

Ihave tried all forms cleansers, scrubs, lotions & potions, I have tried an antibiotic called doxycycline which cleared up my forehead only (besides the red scar marks which I hope will leave in time). I'm now back on "the pill" Yasmin, in hope that it might help regulate my crazy hormones, as well as an antibiotic called minocycline which seemed to "slow down" more spots and blind cysts from popping up .. I have also been out onto zinc tablets. but my chin has decided to let some painful cysts pop up again, as well as a random swollen blind cyst on my cheekbone!

The point is - I'm desperate!!! Please can anyone help, any suggestions to clear my skin would be greatly appreciated! I'm not sure what else to do, and I know stress probably won't help but that's kind of apackage deal that came along with my acne.


Posted : 02/20/2016 10:40 am

I've recently made a post about this but I was in the same position as you minus the pill cus I'ma guy lol. One thing that majorly helped me was never allowing hot water to come in contact with my face. So when you're using your cleansers or in the shower, only let really cold water touch your skin. Worth trying it for a week or two to see if it reduces the number of new spots, it worked for me pretty much straight away.


Posted : 02/21/2016 3:11 am

try eliminating all hydrogenared oil from your diet. It contains trans fat, which is bad for you and causes acne. Read product labels and avoid less reputable places to eat out. Many chains like starbucks and I think mc donalds dont use hydrogenated oils any more. even the smallest amount of hydrogenated oil will cause acne 🙁



Posted : 02/22/2016 6:24 pm

Have a look at the website. It's fairly new so you've probably not tried it before.


Posted : 02/23/2016 6:24 pm

The pill cleared up my acne, along with a very good skin care routine, chemical peels, clean diet, and regular exercise. However, I decided I didn't want to mess with my hormones anymore and went off of the pill after being on it for 5 years. My skin was not longer perfect, but it wasn't bad either. I get the occasional break-out, and I don't mind so long as I'm not messing with the delicate balance in my system.

How do you know that your hormones are crazy? Have you gotten them checked out my a doctor?
There are completely natural ways of balancing them that don't involve birth control pills. You might want to research something called EstroBlock.

Doctors often recommend the obvious stuff - bcp, or antibiotics. They never recommend the natural stuff - totally unfortunate.

Good luck darling,


Posted : 02/24/2016 6:10 am

I hear what you all say but the solution is in the colon. The immune system has been ruined by chemicals etc.. Use Khoisan Healing Clay and Snail Gel Clay to eliminate acne. The Khoisan tribes have used this for countless generations and simply don't even know what acne is. Get some nature back in your lifestyle. Add a table spoon of KHC powder to a litre of water. It will restore balance to your colon ie PH etc. The results will surprise you. As for the SGC for topical applications. First the infection comes to and end within the first week, thereafter the dark marks and pock scars will fade leaving you skin less susceptible to infection. Please do not use rubbish from dermatologists and stop anti-biotics, it will only ruin your gut flora and mess -up your natural immune system responses. And yes, get away from anything and everything processed. If you suffer with acne it means your body cant handle chemicals. This product is not well known but it always works to bring acne under control.


Posted : 02/24/2016 3:39 pm

Mmmm, yep, chemicals can be really dangerous. I hear dihydrogen monoxide can actually kill you!

On 20/02/2016 at 9:14 AM, Cobes101 said:

3 months ago I had an acne breakout for the first time in my life on my forehead, chin and the odd spot or two on my cheeks all of which have not disappeared since!!

But in all seriousness... that is a pretty short time to have tried all those things. I've always been told to allow at least 12 weeks to start seeing results from an antibiotic - they take time to work, so just make sure you're giving things a chance. I know, time sucks, but there we go! Yasmin could well help you - it suppresses androgen (which causes acne). Again though, be prepared for it to take some time to work :) Good luck!


Posted : 02/25/2016 3:11 pm

What are you eating?
