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Pimples ruining my social life


Posted : 02/08/2016 5:35 pm

I picked at my face for a couple spots which I know will heal but what about these red bump I keep getting below my mouth I'm afraid to look at people in sunlight because they have to be super noticeable and I just want to have non bumpy skin so I can be confident again it's really messing me up right now




Posted : 02/08/2016 6:33 pm

These are really not that bad! I know acne is relative and everyone can experience similar psychological feelings no matter the severity of their acne. But trust me when I say this to you, you do not have bad acne and this acne should not be ruining your life what so ever. Are you taking the right steps to combat your blemishes? Mild cleanser, spot treatments, and moisturizer? Are you doing this daily, morning and night? What's your diet like? Are you eating health? Have you gone dairy free?... I had three cortisone injections (shots) to the face today because of cystic acne, so please know that your acne is something I actually would rather have! Sure me saying that wont make you feel better right now, but it puts things into perspective somewhat! These type of blemishes can be easily combated with a regimen of good skin care products and a healthy diet. And don't pick! (But i know how hard that can be!)

Jazzguy and DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/20/2016 11:39 pm

WTF!!! Pls shut up n stop complaining this is nothing compared to a bad acne, u should be happy and try n see how others have it bad, u need not to be worried about this little thing. Get over it


Posted : 02/22/2016 7:48 pm

I don't know if they're just bad photos or what but your skin looks normal.. there is literally nothing there.
You need to change your mindset if anything, you must be seeing your skin to look a lot worse than it actually is.
If you don't already try exfoliating to help with the bumpy texture!


Posted : 02/23/2016 6:37 pm

Your skin looks quite good, I agree with the previous posters.

One thing I can recommend is a Salicylic Acid toner (Paula's Choice 2% BHA Liquid is incredible) just to clarify your skin and it will improve the texture (smooth the skin, improve clarity). Otherwise thank your lucky stars that that's the extent of your skin problems! :)

With love,

em_xoxo liked

Posted : 02/23/2016 8:43 pm

Dude, you look perfect in every way imaginable. If this is ruining your life, guess what's happening to people with cystic acne? I don't mean to downplay the 'severity' of your condition but dude, you're just fine. I really hope nobody would exaggerate their condition and freak out unnecessarily over a few hardly-visible spots and slap their face with both hands a la Macauly Culkin in Home Alone when he applied the astringent on his face in the bathroom scene. This just makes people with genuinely more serious cases demoralized and dejected.

CNA7 liked