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Castor Oil Hot Pack for Cyst


Posted : 12/23/2015 1:23 pm

Thought I'd share this new method with you all since there are virtually little to no posts about this method on I have a cyst that is not infected, meaning it doesn't hurt, it's just kinda there. It's been inflating and deflating for about two weeks now. I've heard about doing castor oil hot packs for cysts on other parts of the body, and it's also used for a million different things; from fertility, to curing PCOS-cysts on the ovaries, to helping circulation, the lymphatic system, you name it, it can be used for it (most likely). I had castor oil on hand anyhow, so I rubbed some on the cyst (it's non comedogenic!) and placed a tissue over the oil to allow it to stick. I got a clean sock, filled it with rice, and microwaved the rice-sock for 30 seconds. Placed the warm compress over the oil to help it penetrate. I did this for 30 min (reheating the sock at the 15 min mark), and the cyst is 50% decreased in size.

" Castor oil contains ricin, a chemical very effective against bacteria. Soak a piece of cloth in castor oil and place it on the cyst. Place a hot compress on top of the castor oil soaked cloth and hold it for 30 minutes. The heat will help the oil diffuse into the skin a lot easier. The ricin will destroy the bacteria causing the infection."

I plan to try another hot pack tonight (they say to do it 2-3 times p/day)! They say to try this method as soon as you feel a cyst coming on... ! I cant say it works 100% but it sure seems promising so far. Thought I'd share for anyone in desperate need of a new cyst healing method.

The type I am using is "The Heritage Store" link to the picture of it...



Posted : 12/24/2015 3:14 pm

Update: This did work, the next morning (today) there was a tiny white head left, popped with a sterile needle and placed a hydrocolloid bandage over (to draw out the remaining impurities), and we are good to go today! Merry Christmas!
