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Accutane help


Posted : 12/07/2015 4:31 pm

So tomorrow i have the decision to start accutane. My acne isn't severe, it is mild-moderate but i also get bad scalp acne on the back of my head and accutane will help with that also.

My only fear is hair. I have read that it thins or even worse makes you lose your hair and i love my hair and i would rather have mild-moderate acne than lose my hair.
So my question is should i go on accutane or not? i would love to hear about everyones experience with accutane if you have one. Thanks !


Posted : 12/07/2015 10:01 pm

It's a tough decision, I currently have some of the most horrendous acne I've ever seen. SUPER severe and I can take Accutane starting tomorrow as well. I really don't know though, even with how bad my acne is I'm scared. Lots of nasty long term damage is possible and in the end it's up to you. Is one thing worse than the other? Keep in mind not all people suffer from these long term effects but a large amount do.


Posted : 12/09/2015 9:28 pm

My daughter has been on accutane for 5 months. I have not noticed hair loss. She did have back pain and a few headaches along with really dry lips. I think everyone is different but it has really taken care of her moderate acne.
