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Pimple that keeps coming back after being popped


Posted : 12/02/2015 9:05 am

Ihad this pimple on my forehead that was a smallish red bumpand I tried squeezing on it but nothing came out but I kind of scratched the top off of it. The next morningit was pretty swollen and I could feel a big bump underneath.I got in the shower and once I got outthe whole area had turned yellow. I squeezed it and a bunch of puscame out so I thought that was the end of it. A few hours later it scabbed over but I could still feel a bump and it was still swollen and sore. I got in the shower again that nightto see if maybe there was still gunk in there and sure enough when I got out the entire area was all yellow again. I squeezed and it exploded with more pus coming out. It appeared to be flat but when I ran my finger across it I couldstill feel a bump and it wasstill really sore.The next morning the same thing happened when I got out of the shower. I squeezed again and more stuff came out, but I can still feel a little bump and its still pretty sore to the touch. The scab is crusty andyellow and I'm sure there's still stuff in there even though it looks flat because I can still feel the small bump.I've been squeezing until I don't get any more gunk each time, so I don't know how there could still be stuff in there.How do I get this thing to be gone for good?


Posted : 12/02/2015 2:41 pm

Does it feel like a small bb under the skin ? Can you move it around a bit as well? It sounds more like a sebaceous-cyst to me especially if the two questions I asked are answered with a yes. They can be very very stubborn!


Posted : 12/02/2015 5:05 pm

2 hours ago, Clayman9 said:

Does it feel like a small bb under the skin ? Can you move it around a bit as well? It sounds more like a sebaceous-cyst to me especially if the two questions I asked are answered with a yes. They can be very very stubborn!

no it doesn't move around or feel like a bb. it just feels like a raised bump of skin


Posted : 12/02/2015 11:35 pm

It seems infected honestly. I would recommend not touching it. Even though this is super drying and harmful, in this case I would make an exception and put some alcohol on it to disinfect.


Posted : 12/03/2015 12:15 am

15 hours ago, SpicyFed said:

Ihad this pimple on my forehead that was a smallish red bumpand I tried squeezing on it but nothing came out but I kind of scratched the top off of it. The next morningit was pretty swollen and I could feel a big bump underneath.I got in the shower and once I got outthe whole area had turned yellow. I squeezed it and a bunch of puscame out so I thought that was the end of it. A few hours later it scabbed over but I could still feel a bump and it was still swollen and sore. I got in the shower again that nightto see if maybe there was still gunk in there and sure enough when I got out the entire area was all yellow again. I squeezed and it exploded with more pus coming out. It appeared to be flat but when I ran my finger across it I couldstill feel a bump and it wasstill really sore.The next morning the same thing happened when I got out of the shower. I squeezed again and more stuff came out, but I can still feel a little bump and its still pretty sore to the touch. The scab is crusty andyellow and I'm sure there's still stuff in there even though it looks flat because I can still feel the small bump.I've been squeezing until I don't get any more gunk each time, so I don't know how there could still be stuff in there.How do I get this thing to be gone for good?

This happened to me too but on my cheek. But I didn't squeeze it and it has finally gone. Don't squeeze, and avoid touching it, yes I know it's hard to do that but trust me, just dab some treatment on it. PLEASE DO NOT POP IT. It may leave a scar and I know you don't want a scar on your forehead. I never popped mine but it left a greyish scar that's fading now.
