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BP working? lotion rec?


Posted : 10/16/2015 12:34 pm

So I've been using a 4% BP wash and a 10% gel on my back, chest and shoulders for almost a month now. Although it's helped my back and shoulders there is still a good amount of acne on them, and the drying is really starting to take effect, I was wondering will it clear my acne any more or is that as much is its going to clear? Also does anyone have any recommendations on lotions or should I use aloe vera for the dryness? I don't want anything that could remotely effect my acne, and make me break out...I was up at 3am itching my back and chest it's really awful...please help?!


Posted : 10/16/2015 1:37 pm

Try Cetaphil brand face lotion. It is a great moisturizer with nothing bad in it to affect acne. Also, a milder BP might actually be more affective without the bad drying. I FINALLY got rid of my acne (except for a random pimple here and there which I can totally handle!) by using the 2.5% BP they sell on this site. Plus, I use Cetaphil lotion immediately after using the 2.5% BP each time. It is amazing how well it works. Overdrying can actually increase acne sometimes because it causes your skin to produce more pore clogging oils to try and combat the dryness. Also, drink extra water. Lots and lots of water. It is in general healthy for you, but majorly helps with having clear skin. As I'm sure you know, there is no quick fix, but I fought acne with everything from creams to antiboitics for YEARS and when I switched to the 2.5% BP twice a day with the cetaphil is the first thing to give me improvement and STAY clear! Get one of the 2.5% and some cetaphil lotion. try it 2x a day until both containers are gone. For me they will last about 9 months, but i mainly use it on my face. I hope this helps! Good luck!
