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Ecigs And Acne


Posted : 09/20/2015 12:15 am

Posted Today, 09:43 PM



Well I've recently researched a LOT about nicotine, cigarettes, and ecigs affect on insulin levels and blood glucose levels and relation to acne. However in my experience, I've noticed less "cystic" acne when I used to smoke regular cigarettes(10-12 a day), and when I quit, I got MAJOR constipation and lots of cystic acne around my jawline and chin and cheeks. I switched to ecigs, and use 12mg nicotine juice and notice that my constipation is controlled, but my acne isn't clearing up.


As for weed: when I first started smoking weed, it REALLY cured my acne. I was so clear...until I started smoking weed more often after 3-4 months, I took a T-break....and then I got major cystic acne....and when I started smoking weed again, it didn't cute it this time or help at all. Helped with my anxiety and depression but not my acne.


What are your guys opinion on Ecigs and nicotine?

And your experience with marijuana use and acne?


Also do these substances interfere with candida or yeast infections? (I'm asking cuz I feel like I might have candida although I haven't tested it)


Posted : 09/21/2015 12:37 pm

As far as weed, I smoked for a few years and recently stopped because I kept reading it can interact with testosterone. My acne is hormonal, so it freaked me out. I havent smoked in a few months, haven't noticed a different in it getting better or worse so theres that haha.


Also as far as smoking, that can definetly cause acne, and I think you need to give yourself enough time off everything to get passed the withdrawl period which can certainly mess with your skin. I know, easier said than done haha. I quit smoking a few years ago WITH ecigs, it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life to quit.


Im sure there will be more people who chime in with the actual science of it all, im just not the best at explaining it. Just wanted to add my 2 cents :)


Posted : 09/21/2015 2:40 pm

As far as weed, I smoked for a few years and recently stopped because I kept reading it can interact with testosterone. My acne is hormonal, so it freaked me out. I havent smoked in a few months, haven't noticed a different in it getting better or worse so theres that haha.

Also as far as smoking, that can definetly cause acne, and I think you need to give yourself enough time off everything to get passed the withdrawl period which can certainly mess with your skin. I know, easier said than done haha. I quit smoking a few years ago WITH ecigs, it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life to quit.

Im sure there will be more people who chime in with the actual science of it all, im just not the best at explaining it. Just wanted to add my 2 cents :)

That's great that you were able to quit! I'm having a little trouble quitting tho, especially since all my friends keep hitting me up to go smoke hookah every weekend, withdrawal sets in so quick...and then I end up vaping 12mg on my ecig, and when I run out of money, I start smoking regular cigs again. This week I've vaped less and stopped smoking cigs. Hopefully I can make it for the rest of this week and eventually quit. Thanks for the advice tho!
