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Swimming And Acne - Need Advice


Posted : 08/29/2015 3:20 pm

So my boyfriend and I are planning to start swimming regularly (each Saturday). The problem is, I'm always freaking out about my skin and whether I'm doing something that may worsen it. Right now I'm on ultra low dose Accutane and my face is pretty much clear all the time - I don't want to ruin it.

Can chlorinated water in the swimming pool cause acne (even if you shower afterwards with nomal water)? Also, if I wash my face in the morning after waking up, then go swimming (my face gets wet), and then wash my face again in the evening, I will be washing my face three times a day instead of two and that can irritate the skin and cause acne. It's impossible for me to go swimming immediately after waking up or just before going to sleep (so it would kind of blend with the washing routine) because the swimming pool is quite far away from where I live and it takes some time to get there. What should I do to minimize the risk of making my skin worse? Also, is it really that big a deal if you wash your face three times one day a week or should I just stop stressing over it?
