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Large Bump Or Cyst Causing Me Problems!


Posted : 08/04/2015 1:02 pm

Hi there! This is my first post and it's a pretty important one. So, I had acne when I was little. I still get it today, but not to that great of a degree. I use Neutrogena acne foaming scrub before I go to bed, as well as clindamycin phosphate and benzoyl peroxide gel (1.2%/5%), which was prescribed to me, not to mention I put on Neosporin on some scabs. So, with all that said, my face has been looking pretty clear.


A few days ago, I could feel a pimple coming, right in the smack dab middle of my chin. I acted out of rashness and tried to pop it, even when I couldn't see the head. I sort of did, and I got some... Juice to come out. Maybe it was a mix of puss/blood, I'm not sure, but I iced it up, put some neo on that bad boy and the next day there was a scab. However, flash forward to yesterday. I was doing my daily stuff and I think that scab might have fallen off. "No big deal," I thought to myself. This morning, though, I wake up to find a huge red bump where the scab was. Now, this is really bad timing, mainly because I'm on vacation at Ocean City, where my family and I walk on the boardwalk, minigolf, shop, etc. almost every night. Some close family friends are also coming on Thursday as well, and they have a teenager daughter who's in the same grade and a year younger than me. So naturally, I wanna look good. So I had my normal freakout and put some ice cubes on it and I just put BP on it and I'm planning on using some of my other stuff on it. But my question is, will I be able to get rid of this thing by Thursday evening if I keep putting on the stuff I have been putting on? I'm also not sure what it is. If I look closely, I can sooooorta see a tiny, white head. But it's tender and a mix of soft and hard when you touch it. So am I even approaching this the right way? Ugh!post-483066-0-29586300-1438711199.jpg


Posted : 08/04/2015 1:57 pm

Try a hydrocolloid pad. They are made for blisters but work wonders for cystic acne like that. Get them in the first aid aisle.


Posted : 08/04/2015 4:09 pm


Try a hydrocolloid pad. They are made for blisters but work wonders for cystic acne like that. Get them in the first aid aisle.

I forgot to add, leave it on as long as possible. Overnight works, but all day would be ideal since it looks super deep


Posted : 08/04/2015 5:48 pm

SnappyPop, I just actually went out and got some Band-Aid Brand blister gel guard from Walgreens. I assume that's what I was suppose to be looking for after researching online. A few questions though:

1). After reading some information, will the hydrocolloid pad slowly make the cyst disappear, or will it draw the puss to a head? My plan is to put one on tonight, then take it off in the morning and see where things stand.

2). Band aids hurt when you take them off. Is there something I can put on my face to help it come off easier?

3). Would I still be able to put BP on tonight, then out the pad over the cyst?


Posted : 08/04/2015 6:18 pm

I don't see putting it on with your bp a problem. It should draw it to a head over night, but it may take 24 hours at the most. It doesn't hurt to take them off. They are sticky but not band aid sticcky. hopefully it will come to a head in the morning and then take tomorrow to heal (even better if you place another one in after you pop it) and you'll be good for Thursday. Good luck!!


Posted : 08/04/2015 6:48 pm

Thanks, man! You've been a lifesaver. I've visited this site a few times and wasn't sure what to fully expect, but I got some great feedback. Definitely a great experience.


Also, Control Panel, thanks for the ZIIT method. I knew ice worked well, as well as BP, but had no idea Advil and Zinc helped too. I don't really think I'd have time for a cortisone shot because I'm hopeful I can clear this baby up by Thursday evening, Friday at the latest. But I do actually have a few bumps on my forehead that may be cysts that are tougher to get rid of, because they're harder and sting a bit when I touch them. Luckily though, those are hidden by my long hair so I'm hoping they'll just go away in a few weeks or months.


Posted : 08/05/2015 7:58 am



Finally figured out how to "reply" to comments on here. Apparently quoting someone makes it easier to follow the conversation.


So, I put on the blister hydrocolloid pad and took it off to find a slightly improved but still fairly large and noticeable cyst. Out of anger and trying to find the tip, I squeezed around and actually got some liquid puss to come out. Not that much though. I put on another pad and I'm hoping this one will work better, because:

-I put water on the area of my chin I was putting the pad on

-There may be an opening where I squeezed it and got some stuff to come out. Hopefully that "hole" will make it easier for the pad to draw out the puss/bacteria/etc.


Again, if I'm doing anything wrong, feel free to let me


Posted : 08/05/2015 10:21 am

I do a hot compress and apply BP on it.


Posted : 08/05/2015 12:06 pm

I do a hot compress and apply BP on it.

What can I use as a heat compress?


Posted : 08/05/2015 12:40 pm


I do a hot compress and apply BP on it.

What can I use as a heat compress?

Some people just wet a paper towel with very hot water (but NOT scalding) and use that, however I've found that this method loses heat too quickly. Another method I have used is to put some dry rice in a sock and microwave the sock for about 15-30 seconds. The rice holds onto it's heat a little longer.


And finally, you can get hot/cold compresses at any typical pharmacy. They are usually not too pricey (although definitely pricier than rice in a sock) and tend to hold heat the longest.


Posted : 08/05/2015 3:54 pm





I do a hot compress and apply BP on it.


What can I use as a heat compress?

Some people just wet a paper towel with very hot water (but NOT scalding) and use that, however I've found that this method loses heat too quickly. Another method I have used is to put some dry rice in a sock and microwave the sock for about 15-30 seconds. The rice holds onto it's heat a little longer.

And finally, you can get hot/cold compresses at any typical pharmacy. They are usually not too pricey (although definitely pricier than rice in a sock) and tend to hold heat the longest.

I've tried the hot paper towel method before, and you're definitely right, it did lose it's warmth fast. I actually read somewhere to try a mixture of hot and cold compressions, so I might try that. Definitely anxious to see where it gets me!




So, I got back from the beach today and took off the pad, and I could feel a tiny, tiny head. So I took my chance and was able to get a good amount of liquified puss out of the cyst, which cut it down to size measurably. There's still a chunk of it that's still bulging out and inflamed, but I'm hoping that'll calm down later. I put some Neosporin on it as well as BP, and I'm planning on using the hydrocolloid pad one more time tonight so I can get any lose chunks. Things are definitely looking up! :)post-483066-0-14395700-1438808032.jpg


Posted : 08/05/2015 7:48 pm

Yep I do it with a paper towel. Leave hot water running so when it loses its warmth you can put it back under again.


It will definitely help.


Posted : 08/06/2015 2:15 am

I'm so happy it's working for you!! 😀 update tomorrow!


Posted : 08/06/2015 12:53 pm



Well, I have to take the good with the bad. I managed to get rid of the cyst, but it's coming with a price. There is a pretty big scab where the bugger was, and I'm not sure how to calm it down. Think icing will help? Any other techniques that can help it heal? There is also a pimple above it but after all I've gone through, that guy can be left alone for now XD


Although, I've heard that the cysts can come back even worse when there are scabs. But, the good news is that I'm currently putting on Neosporin and my mom said that we'll be able to see a dermatologist when we get back from vacation, so hopefully I'll be able to stop it from coming back!



I want to thank everyone for offering their two cents on the matter. Seriously, I can't thank each one of you enough. I tend to freak the heck out over the small stuff, and this definitely could've turned into a horrible situation. But thanks to you guys, I was able to get rid of my massive red bump and turn it into a noticeable but ignorable scab. Again, thanks everybody. You guys all get ice cream sundaes with whip cream, sprinkles and gummy bears on top :P


Posted : 08/06/2015 3:27 pm



Well, I have to take the good with the bad. I managed to get rid of the cyst, but it's coming with a price. There is a pretty big scab where the bugger was, and I'm not sure how to calm it down. Think icing will help? Any other techniques that can help it heal? There is also a pimple above it but after all I've gone through, that guy can be left alone for now XD


Although, I've heard that the cysts can come back even worse when there are scabs. But, the good news is that I'm currently putting on Neosporin and my mom said that we'll be able to see a dermatologist when we get back from vacation, so hopefully I'll be able to stop it from coming back!



I want to thank everyone for offering their two cents on the matter. Seriously, I can't thank each one of you enough. I tend to freak the heck out over the small stuff, and this definitely could've turned into a horrible situation. But thanks to you guys, I was able to get rid of my massive red bump and turn it into a noticeable but ignorable scab. Again, thanks everybody. You guys all get ice cream sundaes with whip cream, sprinkles and gummy bears on top :P

It definitely looks like it's healing, but for future reference - DONT POP IT! There are some pimples/nodules that are appropriate to drain, but for the most part - cystic acne like the one in your picture (especially ones that develop on the chin) are never a good idea to mess with. Neosporin will help heal the scab. Don't try to pick it off or mess with it, just let it fall off on it's own. Good luck!


Posted : 08/06/2015 4:52 pm

^Completely agree! Use neosporin or Vaseline to speed up healing and protect it from becoming infected.


It looks great!




Posted : 08/07/2015 2:49 pm


Well, I have to take the good with the bad. I managed to get rid of the cyst, but it's coming with a price. There is a pretty big scab where the bugger was, and I'm not sure how to calm it down. Think icing will help? Any other techniques that can help it heal? There is also a pimple above it but after all I've gone through, that guy can be left alone for now XD

Although, I've heard that the cysts can come back even worse when there are scabs. But, the good news is that I'm currently putting on Neosporin and my mom said that we'll be able to see a dermatologist when we get back from vacation, so hopefully I'll be able to stop it from coming back!


I want to thank everyone for offering their two cents on the matter. Seriously, I can't thank each one of you enough. I tend to freak the heck out over the small stuff, and this definitely could've turned into a horrible situation. But thanks to you guys, I was able to get rid of my massive red bump and turn it into a noticeable but ignorable scab. Again, thanks everybody. You guys all get ice cream sundaes with whip cream, sprinkles and gummy bears on top :P

Awesome awesome awesome congrats! :D
