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What Kind Of Acne Is This?


Posted : 07/30/2015 9:02 am

Hello all,


I have been a long time lurker of the forms for about 2 years now and would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who contributes here; you guys save lives.


I am a 25 year old male and have struggled with acne since I was 18. I have tried every topical available (both prescription and otc) and have tried multiple courses of oral antibiotics. All of the treatments have provided varying success, but none have managed to get my acne to full remission.


2 years ago, in the midst of an awful breakout, I stumbled across this site and learned about the regimen. After a few days of research I purchased the starter kit and started another course of oral antibiotics. The doxycycline and regimen helped my acne improve within a few months and managed to keep my skin relatively clear for about a year and a half. While on the regimen and antibiotics I would still get the occasional few pimples but compared to how my skin was it was significantly improved.


Approximately 2 months ago (when summer started and humidity increased) my forehead started getting abnormally oily. About a week after I noticed the increased oil production, the acne started. The corners of my forehead started getting many many little inflamed pimples. I would estimate that I had 30 - 40 new pimples. I was still using the regimen at this time but there was no sign of the condition letting up. At this point in time, I had blood work done and I immediately saw a dermotologist and got on 40mg/day of accuatne.


Today is day 14 of Accutane. Although there is no improvement of the acne on my forehead, I am relieved that I am not having to cover my face with BP, waiting for it to dry, and then slathering on the moisturizer. I never felt comfortable going into public with the regimen on my face. Any time i would sweat or be exposed to a blacklight, I would immediately leave whatever I was to go home.


My current skin care regimen consists of cleansing 2x a day with the cleanser, moisturising after each cleanse, and occasionally spot treating with BP (although I have been doing this substantially less now that I am getting farther along into my accutane course).


Do you guys have any suggestions for what to do about my forehead? I've never had this type of acne before. They are small red bumps that never really come to a head. When they do, they are extremely hard whiteheads that just kind of flake off and leave behind a red spot.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. post-481994-0-88843300-1438263863.jpgpost-481994-0-98174900-1438263871.pngpost-481994-0-53601800-1438263881.png


Posted : 07/30/2015 9:13 am

Hi tns212!

Since you started accutane 2 weeks ago its still to early to see improvement of your acne.

Now you just need time to wait and your forehead will clear up so dont worry to much ;)


Posted : 07/30/2015 10:19 am


Hey it looks a bit more like pityrisporum folliculitis which is more like a infection of the hair follicles and is common on the forehead like you have described, if you google it you will see pictures. I think Accutane will still help as it will stop the oil production but if you are still having issues you might try adding a gentle salicylic acid into your regimen, as long as it isn't too harsh while you are on Accutane, a good exfoliator is important to keep any dead skin cells out of the hair follicles and keep your pores as clear as possible. Good luck on your journey


Posted : 07/30/2015 10:29 am

You may try pure chimp products to improve your skin from within.

They offer a lot of things whihc are able to help you out.
