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Does Salicylic Acid/glycolic Acid Wash Cause An Initial Breakout Or Purge?


Posted : 07/28/2015 7:20 pm

I started using a exfoliating salicylic and glycolic face mask/scrub/cleanser about a week to almost 10 days ago.. and I love how its making the areas of my face that don't have a lot of clogged pores... but the areas that do are breaking out a lot.. I mean common sense tells me that I need to give this product ATLEAST a month before if I can tell that its working or not, and breaking out in only areas that normally would have blackheads/whiteheads seems to be a pretty good sign... What do you guys think, does this sound like it could be purging? Also how long would you give it before you would try another product? Thanks!


Posted : 07/29/2015 9:53 am

Perhaps its just the exfoliation from the microbeads in the cleanser speeding up cell turnover bringing all the blackheads to the surface. I guess in either case I'll know if it's working for sure or not in a couple more weeks ahaha ;p


Posted : 07/29/2015 10:01 am

Hey Garret,


BHA and AHA both purge closed comedones.


HOWEVER AHA is more likely than Salicylic Acid to purge. I've used Salicylic Acid Cleansing Pads on very small closed comedones and they went away overnight.


However for larger, tougher comedones AHA is definitely better.


I recommend that you use a 10% BP on some of those purged comedones because it will get rid of them faster than an AHA or BHA.


Good luck!




Posted : 07/29/2015 10:47 am

My personal opinion is that "purging" is a bunch of garbage. If things are getting worse stop doing whatever you are doing. I also think it's to simplistic to say a certain ingredient is causing a problem. The same ingredient in a different formulation or in a different concentration could give a completely different reaction. It's more about the whole product and how it is formulated and not just one ingredient.


Posted : 07/29/2015 10:54 am

@WadeX - I wish I could use BP in general, let alone 10% variation of it ahaha. My skin is far too sensitive for most washes or creams, I managed to find this one that doesn't cause my face to get all angry, I just hope that my skin adjusts to it after a couple weeks.


@Strongbadia- I've definitely experienced a worsening of a product before I seen results before when I could tolerate more harsh chemicals on my skin... Maybe it's not purging so much, but just the active medication taking time to have an effect on the skin? Who knows!


Posted : 07/31/2015 1:29 pm

Yeah I understand :]


It is quite harsh. But yeah if you keep using that wash they will eventually go away.
