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A 20 Year Old With A Horrible Acne


Posted : 05/14/2015 11:56 pm

Okay I'm 20 year old girl and my acne got really bad since november, bad like I can't even look people in the eyes bad. I have a lot of white pimples and dark acne spots on my forehead and right cheek area.

I've tried literally everything in the past 7 months birth control, prescribed minocycline, oil cleansing method, paraben free diet, no caffeine diet, benzol peroxide, tea tree oil and several cleansers. I don't know what to do anymore? I know it's been a stressful year for me since I transferred to a different university and i had to work under a lot of pressure managing a full time school work, a part time job and being in several different organizations. But stress can't be able to do this viscousness to my skin by itself right? there has to be something wrong with me that happened in the past year august 2014- may 2015. I know my diet hasn't changed dramatically. I have been basically using the same makeup and cleansing products until the acne got really bad that I had to change them to new products.

I remember getting teenage acne when I was 14 and it lasted for about 3 years. Birth control pills basically took care of my teenage acne;however, this cystic adult acne isn't being taken care of by birth control pills.


Please there has to be someway to clear up my skin right, someone help me pls?

I'm planning to start using lemon juice, Origin's purifying charcoal mask and some relaxation and anti acne mask from Base Formula starting next week.

If any of you had experience like this please share it down below and please let me know if you have any advise.



Thank you in advance~


Posted : 05/15/2015 7:13 pm

Try the starch solution diet. It's the only thing That worked for my skin. Vegan, high carb, low fat


Posted : 05/16/2015 10:23 am

Hello. I feel your pain. I am 35 and have never had acne problems. Now all of a sudden its horrible and i have no idea why. I have been on minocycline for 2 weeks and am now using Aczone. I was using Ziana but feel that it made my acne 10x worse so i decided to pay for the Aczone. I hope it helps. Have you seem a dermatologist or used a topical cream? Im sorry you are going through this. I know how awful you feel.


Posted : 05/17/2015 9:05 am

Unfortunately, I think a lot of us feel your pain. You try EVERYTHING and nothing seems to give results! I have had to come to the realization and accept that acne might very well be a part of my life indefinitely. It's painful to think about. My advice is to keep going to your dermatologist and keep trying until you feel you've truly exhausted all your options. In the meantime, be gentle on yourself because you're doing the absolute best you can


Posted : 05/17/2015 1:03 pm

Hello! I just posted my success story how I beat servere acne! Try tretnion gel with benzaclin! Wash your face with something from your dermatologist in the morning and before bed!
