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Suffering From Bad Acne Story/ New Regime/ Ideas


Posted : 05/13/2015 9:33 am

Hi guys, first of all i want to apologize for my bad english, my first language is spanish. I know my post is too long but i hope you can take the time to read it and able to understand it.


Let me tell you my story. I'm 25 years old, male. When i was a teeneger i used to get 3 or even 4 pimples nothing to worry about, they would usually go away in 2 weeks and i did not pay attention to it. 7 years ago I moved to New Jersey US, my face was completly clear at the time and stayed clear for the first two years living here. During those first 2 years i became a fan of fast food, burger king, soda etc. By the begining of 2010,( I was 20) i started to break out on my checks really bad, i bought every single otc acne product but nothing worked.Tired of my situation i decided to go for a laser treatment which cost $450 per session. After 3 sessions i was not seeing results so i stopped. What was my surprise that 3 moths after my last laser treatment my face cleared up completly i was happy again. Months later i started to get pimples here and there but nothing like it was before i was able to keep them under control. My nightmare started this year again around february 2015, two huge pimples appeared on my left cheek and i thought that they will eventually go away as always, but it wasn't the case, more and more started to appear until my forehead and cheeks were full of them. Since i have dark skin my face is full of dark spots. The worst part is that i work in an office in the morning and go to college to take ESL classes in the afternoon, since i have to run from one place to another and don't have much time to cook or watch what i eat, for the last year i've been eating frozen food. I guess the strees and the frozen food worsen my situation.The thing is that I don't want to leave my room anymore, don't even want my family to see me, i find excuses to not go to work etc...If you have bad acne i'm sure you can relate.



A moth ago i decided to go see a dermatologist who prescribed me solodyn minocycline and topical creams, tazorac gel and triluma cream for the hyperpigmentation. The triluma cream turned my face red and peeled my face, i even got some wounds where the pimples were.Not to mention that since it is summer the sun burned my face while using it. I have not seen much improvement and i've been feeling so depressed. This last monday doing some research i found this acne center near me that has many good reviews. They claim to treat acne naturally no antibiotics, harsh creams or whatsoever and clearup your face within 3 months, so i decided to call. i got an appoinment and i went yesterday, the owner is a nice lady which spent about 40 mins talking to me about what foods i should avoid and the reasons why acne should not be treated with antibiotics and strong topical creams, all of what she said made sense. Since i've been using strong products she decided only to do a test to check my skin sensitivity, a gentle treatment, as well as some pimple extractions, which surprised me because they left me almost no marks.

She gave me some natural supplements, zinc, fish oil and vitamin D and products for a new regime to wash my face. I have my next appoinment in 2 weeks to start with their acne free program i will update you guys on how it goes. I have to say that somehow she gave me hope and i'm feeling more positive today. But It let me thinking that there should be a club for people with acne, a place where people can talk to each other without feeling ashamed and share tips on how to control acne. Like a AAA but for people with acne. With my current experience i have realized that i need to talk to someone about my situation but i can't do it with my family beacuse they don't understand what i'm feeling.



I do not know how this page works, but i hope that the moderator approves this post and if you guys know about the existence of some club in new jersey, like the one i mentioned please let me know in the comments. I've been trying to find something online but no luck yet. well that's it for now and thank you for reading.


Posted : 05/14/2015 6:56 am

Good luck with the natural program you're trying out! Please update in a couple weeks to let us know if it works.


Posted : 05/14/2015 7:33 am

Thank you pink berry, i will keep u guys updated.
