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Is My Acne Bad Enough For Accutane?


Posted : 04/29/2015 11:34 pm



I had a really bad mashing problem, so I'm paying the price there. I tried to use benzoyl peroxide, and it made everything so much worse, especially the hyper-pigmentation. I don't really know what to do.


I'd like to know what to classify my acne as. It looks like a needed dermatologist visit to me. Thing is, I am uninsured, and I've heard dermatologists don't always make it better.


I'm sort of scared of accutane, but if this persists, maybe I have no other option?

I was wondering if lasers or something would help me with all the damage, hyper-pigmentation, and scars.


What would you classify this as?

Should I consider accutane at this point/ will it help with scars?


Here are some photos:



Thanks for your time.


Posted : 04/30/2015 11:08 am

Can't comment too much on the scars but in my experience my skin has healed remarkably well given enough time. I understand being uninsured is a big factor and I don't know what to tell you about that but treatment wise I would not hesitate to try accutane if I were you. A dermatologist will want you to try a bunch of other stuff first but I would try to go straight to accutane Why potentially waste your time with a bunch of other stuff that you will have to use for the rest of your life if it even works when you can possibly get it all cleared up potentially long term with one course of accutane.


Posted : 04/30/2015 3:47 pm

what i can advice you, find a good dermatologist, trust him. tthis creates a positive energy in your healing time.

from your pictures i can see you need accutane. don't be scared of it. we are all using it. i am using it now. encourage yourself.

i am not an expert but if i were you i also would not waste my time with other drugs and therapies.

but first of all i think you should find the real cause of your acne. who knows maybe you solve acne problem by holistic way.

for the scars, i tried fractional laser 7 years ago 4 times, it did not really helped. one year ago i tried dermastamp 2 times by performing from a cosmetic dermatologist. dont buy dermastamp or dermaroller device on your own, it does not effect. dermatologists use deeper neddles so it is effective. i only took 2 times dermastamp but it made difference %25. you can see the difference after 6 or more months. it is a natural treatment without side effect and much less pain than fractional laser. i am gonna get more session but i have to cure my acne first. this is my first time using accutane before i used many other medications and alternative treatments. only got temporary solutions.


Posted : 04/30/2015 7:48 pm

I wouldn't automatically go straight for accutane if you have not tried other things first. A retinoid and anti microbial such as Duac or Aczone may be your best bet.


Posted : 05/01/2015 6:37 am

I would suggest Accutane, but of course it depends on how well you're coping with the acne. I literally was not coping and had so much that a singular spot treatment such as 'duac' or 'epiduo' just wasn't practicle because I had so many spots I literally had to cover my entire face/back/chest in it. Accutane was my only option.


If you're coping with it and dont mind covering your face in prescription gels twice a day, then by all means try another topical.


As for hyperpigmentation.. Mine seems to have remained the same on accutane thus far. I am just finishing my thirdmonth.


Posted : 07/21/2015 2:26 am

I've made the decision that I'm going to try and press for accutane. It's been slow trying to get into a derm. I'm going to make a few calls tomorrow.


I hope everything works out. It's time I take my life back and stop drowning in social anxiety.


Posted : 07/21/2015 2:31 pm

you look pretty unhealthy bro. try drinking 3 leetars of water a day, eat tons of vegies and fruit, avoid all wheat, including all bread, also all dairy, ESPECIALLY DAIRY!!, and your acne will get better within two weeks without any pills or chemicals. bammmmm. and you will be a modestly healthy person at the two week point, you will also notice by drinkin lots of water your skin will get that vibrant glow to it.


Posted : 07/21/2015 5:43 pm

hahaha. I've been trying to change my diet lately see if that helps.


I'm not terrible unhealthy... but I know the skin makes things look bad.


I do drink a good portion of water. but definitely not 3 liters. Probably more like 2 liters or so a day.


I think what really screwed me over was working for a fast food company. (It shall go unnamed, I still respect their business.) I worked their for like six months in the kitchen... noticed my pores were nastily clogged afterwards. I also got paid minimum wage but was given free meals and employee discount... (so while I was working there I ate a lot of junk food.) It's been almost half a year since I've worked their and my skin has not improved.


I do eat a lot of fruit and veggies. More than most. My primary sources of protein are currently eggs, fish, beans, and chicken. I don't have a huge selection in my house. But I'll try what you say. My appointment with the derm isn't until August the 3rd. We'll see if I can clear up then.


Do you recommend I stick with some sort of over the counter wash still? That's what I've been using and it seems to help.


I take Zinc, Calcium, and Magnesium supplements.
