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I Need Help


Posted : 04/08/2015 11:51 pm

I swear its like I have some form of Dermatillomania or just a psychological problem. I just pop and pick at my acne and its like I can't stop. I psychologically think that if I pop or pick a zit it will make it go away faster when its the exact opposite. When I'm in the process of scoping out my face in the bathroom to see if I have any zits to pop, I say to myself "self-control.....self-control.....walk away from the mirror..." but I do it anyway and I instantly feel guilty. Then it creates a red acne mark that won't go away for many months. PLEASE I am begging anyone to give me tips on how to stop this. Its really effecting my self confidence. I just. can't. stop myself.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/09/2015 4:32 am

I feel you. Im like that. Just try not to think of touching your skin. I know it's hard but it will make things worst if you keep doing it.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/09/2015 12:04 pm

It's actually not unusual, it's called acne excoriee.

You can't throw away your mirror I guess so how about putting on the mirror a large picture of yourself showing the scars. Kind of like the idea that people who want to lose weight, putting a picture of themselves on the fridge.

Are you stressed or anxious about something at the moment. Try and find time to unwind and relax.

Go and see your doctor for help and advice.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/10/2015 5:09 pm

Yes - it sounds like you are experiencing some very serious distress about this, and it's very important that you see a doctor (a psychiatrist or psychologist with expertise in OCD). Acne excorie (or dermatillomania, like trichotillomania) is actually a serious impulse disorder, related to OCD. It's characterized by obsessive compulsion to pick at your skin. Stress is often a trigger, and shame or guilt is highly common. Medication can actually be quite helpful in treating this condition, but it's important to see a doctor who understands the condition and will take it seriously.

DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/10/2015 9:03 pm

I agree with Meg in terms of treating the condition if you feel things are out of control and you can't stop. In terms of what you can do now... I always had to pee with the lights off or else I'd never make it past the mirror. Try to train yourself to walk right past the mirror. Or take down the mirror if that's possible. Keeping your nails short also helps. I've battled becomes almost a worse problem than the actual acne...hard not to get a little OCD when you have a skin disorder. We totally get what you're going through!


Posted : 04/11/2015 8:43 am


Try putting a rubber band on your wrist. Each time you wanna prick at your zits pull the rubber band hard.


Posted : 04/11/2015 2:51 pm

^ this one can be very helpful actually, but if it has reached the point of a disorder it may not be enough.
