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What Else Do I Try?


Posted : 02/22/2015 12:47 pm

I'm 16 years old, had acne since I was 11. Constantly been trying to treat it for 5 years, generally started on my forehead however now it's moved to my cheeks and has remained there four around half a year.

I generally have oily skin however can get dry on my nose occasionally, I will list everything I've tried and please suggest what is next!

-Benzac prescription from doctor didn't work.

-Have been on dianette for 6 months, haven't seen any improvement.

-Cleanse gently, tone using botanics rosewater toner, moisturise and apply benzoyl peroxide 2.5% is my current skincare routine however acne is still persistent.

-Haven't eaten chocolate, sweets, cake, biscuits for 2 months.

-Drink lemon water twice daily.

-Wear makeup twice a week, clinique anti blemish foundation.

-Fairly active.

-Take zinc tablets, calcium and vitamin D tablets.

-Constantly change my pillow cases

WHAT NOW!? I'm relatively stressed however surely this can't have caused my acne for such a long time and left me with so many scars.

Please help!


Posted : 02/22/2015 3:09 pm

Dairy? A trigger for many. Ditch it 100% for a month and see what happens. Are you seeing a dermatologist?


Posted : 02/22/2015 3:50 pm

Dairy? A trigger for many. Ditch it 100% for a month and see what happens. Are you seeing a dermatologist?

Haven't heard of that but thank you for the suggestion definitely will try, and no, I don't feel as if I should have to you know what I mean, surely the doctors have the same treatments? I've been to the doctor countless times.


Posted : 02/23/2015 2:35 am

Find a derm that will give you low dose accutane.


If your acne is moderate look into this and niacinamide.


Posted : 02/23/2015 6:12 pm

So if anyone can help me it will be greatly appreciated, I've been using lots of products for my skin and it seems that nothing is working. I get lots of irritation on my cheeks and they just don't want to cool down im tired of using bunch of products that just do nothing . Does anyone know how to treat the problem.? Please if anyone can help me out i will thank u lots....


Posted : 02/23/2015 7:15 pm


Dairy? A trigger for many. Ditch it 100% for a month and see what happens. Are you seeing a dermatologist?

Haven't heard of that but thank you for the suggestion definitely will try, and no, I don't feel as if I should have to you know what I mean, surely the doctors have the same treatments? I've been to the doctor countless times.

See a dermatologist. They know what they are doing.

They cured my acne but i got high potassium in the process. However, i am still using retin A . It is amazing helps with acne all over your body and gets rid of blackheads. Worth a shot.
