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I've Finally Found Something That Works For Me Again.


Posted : 11/23/2014 4:44 am

Hello My skin has been acne prone since I was about 14 and the severity of it has varied in all the years since. I'm now 28. I've found that in my older age, my acne really depends on the product I'm using. People seem to believe that acne is a very bodily-intrinsic thing that results because of your hormones. I guess this would be true for most people but I'm 100% sure the main factor for me in my older age is simply skin allergy. My skin is highly sensitive to the product I'm using and it seems that a good 95% of all products I try break me out unfortunately.

There have been few products that are alright for my skin. Soap has rarely broken me out but the flipside is that most of the brands make my skin terribly dry. Nivea for Men - Sensitive Face Wash was one of the first products that I noticed broke me out a lot less than other face washes. Sadly the old formula they used to use was discontinued and the new one is very bad for my skin so I wouldn't recommend it.

One of the best face washes I ever used was called 'Saeed Ghani Cucumber Face Wash'. It's very good and it didn't break me out at all. Unfortunately this product is only available in Pakistan. I lived in Lahore for a good three years using that product and while I did my skin was fine. I even took a few satchels of it with me back to the UK that lasted me a year and in all that time I had the rarest outbreaks that were hardly worth fretting about anyway. Really mild spots and extremely rare, nothing to worry about.

When that product finished, I was lucky to find a hotel toiletree called 'BioEnergy Bath Gel Aloe Vera'. Believe it or not, this was easily the BEST face wash I ever used by far and it still is. It left my skin feeling amazingly smooth and it wasn't the least bit drying and I didn't break out with that stuff at all. It was brilliant. I even contacted the company and tried ordering a crate of the stuff from them but they said that they only supply large scale to hotel contracts so that was a shame. But damn, that bath gel was really something.

Sadly once the bath gel and Saeed Ghani cucumber face wash finished I had to again find a new cleanser that wouldn't break me out. It took me a long long time to find something. It was really annoying and saddening to me because I had honestly thought that I had finally outgrown acne after being relatively spot free for over three years. When I then tried something called 'Simple - Kind to Skin Face Wash' and started breaking out properly again I realised that the honeymoon was over and I again needed to find something that worked for me. I went through many different cleansers including Cetaphil, Olay Sensitive Foaming Face Wash, The Body Shop Aloe Vera Sensitive Face Wash and many others. Some of these cleansers were better than others but I still broke out with all of them to different degrees.

I can actually feel right after using a face wash in the shower whether or not it's going to affect my skin (even though I often tried to ignore tingling with denial at first). A face wash that works doesn't make my skin feel tight or give it a tingly/irritated sensation. It just feels completely neutral on my skin and doesn't affect it in any way. I had completely forgotten about this neutral feeling since using the aforementioned cucumber face wash and the aloe vera BioEnergy bath gel but thankfully I have FINALLY found it again and the remedy is something so simple and inexpensive. I couldn't be gladder at this point.

When visiting my sister's place, there was a little orange see-through soap sitting there that I decided to try out. After using it in the shower, I felt that brilliant neutral feel. The soap didn't make my skin sting and it didn't dry it out. It leaves my skin feeling perfectly smooth and amazing. It's obvious to me that it doesn't break my skin out. I've been using this soap for over a week now and thank god I FINALLY have clear skin again and it's here to stay. My skin feels so good again and I know that finally acne is behind me; so long as the company doesn't go bust and they keep selling to the UK. As I said earlier in this post, soap usually kept my skin clear but it would dry it out real bad and make it appear slightly reddish - this soap doesn't do that at all! It actually leaves my skin radiant and looking good. I'd say it's just as good as the cucumber face wash but NOT as good as the hotel bath gel. That stuff was 10/10. This soap however is 9.5/10.

Well without further ado, I'll go ahead and tell you that the soap is 'Pears Transparent Soap' and it's a gift from the gods for me.


Not only does it leave my skin looking good and make it feel smooth as hell and acne free, it's cheap as fuck!

So there you go. Hope this helps you in your quest because it certainly helped me. Of course, please don't get your hopes up too much as acne is highly subjective to the person and caused by different variables. Even if, like me, your skin is highly sensitive to the product you're using, you might find that this product isn't particularly good for your skin while it's great for mine. In any event, give it a whirl. It might just improve things for you!

Take care and all the best.


Posted : 11/23/2014 5:16 am

I did some googling, and I found someone from (Guest_Amy Lee_*) said that Pears Transparent Soap is among the worst cleansers she ever tried:


So yeah, don't get your hopes up. I don't want anybody to be disappointed after reading this review as everyone's skin is different. As far as I'm concerned, the soap is absolutely amazing though.

Also, there were positive things said as well regarding the soap:


Posted : 11/24/2014 9:26 am

im glad you found something that works for you man

for me i think diet plays a big role ....i use a simple soap ....not much in it been recomanded by my old takes away the oil and that's it
