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A Fee Things That Have Really Helped My Skin For Real


Posted : 05/20/2014 4:23 am

I've never posted on a website before to give advice although these few things I did have really changed my skin for the better Which I can't quite believe

Firstly buy NUBIAN AFRICAN BLACK SOAP - this stuff has been amazing. It doesn't irritate my skin and takes off all my makeup! Literally all of it! It has acne fighting parts to it but you should really look it up! Brill stuff. Never changing soaps now ever.

I've also started a contraceptive pill diannette, only a month in although already much less oily! Had a small break out after 1 week but it's been brilliant as of now. Does initially make you eat like crazy! All you can think about is food.

Thirdly a few sunbeds here and there has helped with my skin

I did try the gluten free and dairy free diet.. Personally not that much difference occurred.. Made it hard to eat out with Friends and have food with someone your dating, you look a little crazy too when you can't pick up anything to eat, especially when it's early days of dating. My back acne did seem to clear up though and my energy levels were increased. So you coul try this but definitely not the be and end all.


Posted : 05/21/2014 12:55 am

Nice, I just ordered my nubian black soap from iHerb! I have to try what's all the fuss is about, it has so good reviews everywhere, so it must be magical. I have always been told that you should not use any bar soap because they clogg your pores, but I will make an exception this time and try. Is your skin dry or tight after washing with the black soap?
