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Healing A Cystic Pimple


Posted : 05/06/2014 6:32 pm

About 2 days ago, I got one of those huge painful under the skin pimples (I think a cyst) and about every hour or 2 I would apply a hot compress. Well yesterday, I could see puss in it (gross I know) so I popped it, but only a little bit of "stringy" puss (like what comes out of blackheads) came out, then the clear fluid and blood. This morning, a scab formed, and the swelling went down a little, but it's still huge and red. Any thoughts on how to get the swelling/ redness down?!? Thanks :)


Posted : 05/06/2014 9:09 pm

Oh and does anyone know if taking some sort of ibuprofen would help the redness or swelling? I've heard it helps for pimples like those


Posted : 05/06/2014 9:15 pm

You could make a paste with warm water and a Tylenol or Advil whatever you have is fine. Smash the pill in a couple of drops of water and mix until a paste forms. Put the paste on your pimple and the swelling will go down significantly.

Keep putting hot compress on it, it will make the lymph(puss) come to the surface so you can remove it.


Posted : 05/06/2014 9:21 pm

You could make a paste with warm water and a Tylenol or Advil whatever you have is fine. Smash the pill in a couple of drops of water and mix until a paste forms. Put the paste on your pimple and the swelling will go down significantly.

Keep putting hot compress on it, it will make the lymph(puss) come to the surface so you can remove it.

Thanks for the advice 🙂 I already popped it though, and it looks like it's trying to heal. The bump itself is relatively small, but it's like really red around it. I might try the Tylenol paste method and see how it goes
