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Blackheads Frustration


Posted : 05/05/2014 5:42 am


I decided to register here so I could get some help relating to black heads.

I am 34 yo male, with what I believe to be comination skin; at least my cheeks tend to get dry and red very quickly and my forehead and the tip and sides of my nose are covered in what I would call blackheads.

I saw a dermatologist about, sent me on my way with some epiduo, effaclar duo, and some soap free facial wash.

At the beginning I made the mistake of putting the epiduo on all of my face which led to quite alot of peeling on the cheeks, but nothing on the forehead and nose.

So for a while (3 weeks) I applied Epiduo to just the tip of my nose and the central lower section my forehead (vaguely above eyebrows) I did see some subtle improvement but I noticed that my eyes were getting dry (!!! and no good since I wear contacts) over time and my hair seemed to fall more easily, but that could just have been my imagination.

This did however leave me with just open holes, less "black" but more hole, if that makes sense.

If I stop epiduo for a few days they come back with a vengeance...

I tried removing them by hand (with and without steaming, makes no difference), just leads to what I believe to be white sebum seeping out but nothing more, the black part is still there and it marks my face.

I dont know what to try next... continue with Epiduo (or maybe just Differin on its own, since that cheaper anyway) ?

Would AHAs work instead ?


Posted : 05/05/2014 11:06 pm

Okay, from personal experience and from talking with dermatologists/doctors, I stopped using chemicals on my face. They seem to destroy the oil banace on your skin, so maybe stop those medications.

What I did after stopping those medications was I only wash my face twice a day, don't pick on my face, exfoliate twice a week, and that's it! Aswell as changing my diet, it has brought better skin overall. Try these mentioned steps and maybe you'll have better success. :)
