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The Natural Cure To Acne


Posted : 02/27/2014 11:30 pm

Hello everyone who suffers with the terrible disorder known as acne. As a acne sufferer with 4 years of experience with this skin disorder. I have an extensive history of using numerous methods to try to cure it. Products like proactiv, aloe vera leafs, lemon juice etc. only provided temporary results. And some of them (proactiv) cause my skin to worsen after i stop using it. I know how you all feel. People with normal skin make fun of us. They think we are weak minded because we care too much about our condition. But you know what screw them. They dont know that acne not only brings us physical degradation, but also psychological problems. Now that i have found a method that seems to work for me i feel obligated to share with all of you. I know we are all different, but im positive that if you follow my method it will at least give u some good results depending on how bad your acne is. Well let's get started. First i stop using lotion and creams. The only time you should use them is to apply a tiny amount to a black spot thats appears after a pimple has died out. Do not put lotion/cream anywhere else as the pores tend to clog up when lotion/cream is applied to them. Next when showering do not use soap on your face! I know it sounds disgusting, but you know what. I notice that soap dries out our skin a lot. Which triggers the production of natural oil in our skin. This oil will reproduce too fast and create pimples overnight. Instead just get a sponge or whatever you use to scrub your body. Together with warm water, rub it in circular motion against your skin. This will clean out the dirt from your face, since warm water opens up pores and the scrubbing takes out the dirt. You are free to use soap on your ears and the rest of your body (if you have acne on your neck do not use soap, do the same thing as with the face unless you did some dirty work like yard cleaning. Avoid the use of soap!) after coming out of the shower brush your teeth first then apply warm water to your face and with you hand gently rub down on your skin. This will rehydrate your skin, so it doesn't feel dry. After this with your towel gently press on your forehead, neck and your side burns. Do not rub since that can cause irritation of the skin. Leave the rest of the face partially wet it will eventually suck in the water so you feel fresh. Now the most important step! When going to sleep you will do as follows. I discover that when your sleep on the side of your face with acne. The pressure of the pillow against your face stops pimples from forming overnight! This is due to dust particles not being able to get to your skin. So when you sleep put the side of your face against the pillow. If you have acne on both sides. Put another pillow on top of the other side. The heat created by the pillows will allow the skin to recover more efficiently. Also drink a glass of water and immediately after that. Bend down your head. This will cause blood to rush down to your head. Which carries essential nutrients needed for skin recovering ( do it for 7 secs). In the morning do not water your face! Your face will have natural oil on it. To put away the shiny oil get a towel and press on the skin. Do not rub. Well this is my process. Together with water drinking at least 4 times a day and fruits like bananas and apples. My skin is now free of pimples. The only thing i have now is dead pimples that are recovering. In a few weeks i will be completely free. If you have oily skin, get a towel or toilet paper and press down on the skin to absorb the extra oil. Well that is all folks and i know you might question the effectivity of it. The truth is, that creams and chemicals only disrupt your body. Give it time to heal & avoid all stress. A good self-esteem will help your skin recover. Please try this method and comment your results. I will try to answers most of your questions. Well good day to all of you and god bless us!
