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Acne Is 100% Genetic


Posted : 03/11/2014 12:41 pm

That's veeery true. I have a very good friend, a classmate which always eats on McDonald's, every weekend, she constantly drinks Coca-Cola, eat chocolate and another junk foods which the people with acne consider taboo, and I know because i'm always there to see her eating a lot of stuff i've been prohibiting to myself to somehow improve my acne, and not only she has the MOST PERFECT skin i've ever seen, but she is my age and she never gets fat because of that, so genetics has a lot to do with acne.

In my personal case, both my father and my mother had acne, and as her told me, my grandmother had too, so if I wouldn't have got acne I would probably had realised that I was adopted XD


Posted : 03/11/2014 5:02 pm

Sorry but this is so wrong. I havent been following this debate but I do know that DIET DOES AFFECT ACNE. My mother has never had a single spot and no wrinkles, neither has my father whilst I am dealing with severe acne and hyperpigmentation scars. Why ? They both grew up in rural areas where diet was mainly paleo, my mother only had one meal a day of rice and cooked vegetables due to poverty and war.

Genes is not the root of acne the diet over here comprises of far too gi high foods, oily ,processed fodds that are a leading contributor to acne. I know for a fact that eating certain foods will trigger acne.

Of course no one is the same and for some people shifting to a paleo diet only does not cure acne- therefore hormone balancing supplements such as borage oil eveing primrose oil and other medications need to be taken. I am not an expert and have just been browsing through this site so these things not work for some.


Posted : 03/19/2014 11:03 pm

I totally agree! Acne is definitely genetic! I know too many ppl who don't take care of their skin & it's flawless & vice versa! Sad but true


Posted : 03/20/2014 12:08 am

On 3/13/2014 at 8:06 AM, NutritionisTom said:

It is genetic. You are absolutely right. But there are ways to control your genes through your environment. Some genes can be turned on and off. If you have an optimal environment for your genetic requirements through food and the people you surround yourself with then you can turn off those genes. Check the research on epi-genetics because this is the future to not only controlling your acne but controlling any disease you may be disposed to through the use of FOOD.

No. Maybe in regards to diabetes mellitus, but Acne? not a chance. If you understand the process of how acne actually forms in which I do you would realize diet has almost zero influence. Acne is a disorder of the hair follicle, it is not "hormonal" like most people misconstrue. No diet in the world will change the way your skin exfoliates.

