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Things Only People With Acne Will Understand!


Posted : 03/24/2014 12:11 am

- always running to the mirror first thing you get up to check your acne (might of been said)

- not approaching a girl because you are afraid they will judge you and not give you a chance

- always thinking what if I didn't have acne


Posted : 03/24/2014 4:57 pm

Oh my gosh, YES yes yes to everything here!

It's like therapy to hear from people who actually get it. I'm always looking but can never find people in person who have so much as one zit.

I'll add a few:

*the sleepover issue, when you were a teen. Having to run to the bathroom to desperately trying to hide your zits before your friends wake up

*the exciting feeling you get when you're about to try some new medicine or pill for it, and the disappointment when it doesn't work yet again

*no makeup, concealer or foundation EVER being able to hide it all.

*going out to lunch with friends/coworkers and wherever you sit, the sun is shining on your face

*getting older and having normal pimples turn into cystic acne

*people without acne giving you advice to wash your face to avoid acne. uhhh, ok let me try that. duh.

*others don't have to wash their faces and still have spotless skin. this is probably my #1. drives me insane.


The last two are my favorite! Just reading through this whole thread is making me feel better oddly haha. I can relate!


Posted : 03/24/2014 7:31 pm

hot chick on

the picture is kinda small

*clicks on the profile*

the picture gets smaller!!


Posted : 03/27/2014 12:19 pm


-Wearing circle lenses so people can move their attention to your eyes


Posted : 03/27/2014 1:25 pm

having to make up excuses not to see people because of your bad breakout

waking up with a clear face to than later in the day your face gets bad again

i hope everyone gets better someday


Posted : 03/27/2014 2:29 pm

So so so true!


Posted : 03/28/2014 12:53 am

-You're very best friend at school has acne so u can speak of acne anytime,.

- The Advertisment that freaks you out the. Most is Proactiv, you can't change the channel for some reason so you're sitting there and you're like -you ba*****s you f**king liars, ugghhhh


Posted : 03/28/2014 10:25 am

The commercial I have been seeing a lot is the Aczone commercial. Its a woman in her 30's (my age) and she's talking about how bad it is to have acne at her age, and how she thinks the spots are all that people see of her. Last week I was sitting with a couple of fairly new friends watching t.v. and that commercial came on about 3 times...I just wanted the sofa to swallow me up!


Posted : 03/29/2014 6:09 pm

Honestly, all I want is a pretty girlfriend with acne just like me. Not too much, sufficient enough to talk with her about it. Some days I just want to talk to somebody who is in the same position as me, someone who can understand me. My mom says I want to get rid of acne because I'm a teenager,... blahblahblah.... girls! and it's really hard to talk about acne with them, it's kind of creepy lol.

I can just imagine myself talking to a girl like me, it must be a great feeling!!


Posted : 03/30/2014 12:54 am

Oh and..

-Never wear white shirts


Posted : 03/30/2014 1:28 am

Lol little kids asking whats on your face people staring at you like you just came back from the dead right in front of them ha acne scars in the sunlight look bumpy n patchy. Seeing some cuties and saying to yourself in your head woooahhh ohhh babbyyyy whats yours name haha then realizing you have acne sigghhh :(


Posted : 03/30/2014 11:14 am


  • Avoiding having your picture taken like it's the plague...I swear the camera adds 20 zits!

I hate when some people are adamant on taking a picture.. It's like.. DO YOU NOT GET IT?


Posted : 03/30/2014 12:53 pm

sad but true

and dealing with this now at 40..having your child comment on your skin

knife through the heart :(


Posted : 04/09/2014 4:34 pm

Nearly 40 here and been through all of these!

The killer for me is on the very rare occassion I forget about my scars and am in a good mood and I catch them in a mirror and bang - back to reality.

The commercial I have been seeing a lot is the Aczone commercial. Its a woman in her 30's (my age) and she's talking about how bad it is to have acne at her age, and how she thinks the spots are all that people see of her. Last week I was sitting with a couple of fairly new friends watching t.v. and that commercial came on about 3 times...I just wanted the sofa to swallow me up!

This gets me too. And at work when a colleague declares she has a pimple and then the conversation goes to skin while you are sat there dying inside, thinking you insensitive little shit! lol


Posted : 04/09/2014 10:30 pm

I enjoyed reading all of these comments! Every one of the comments is so true!! But hey, at least we are in it together! Still have to enjoy life while fighting the battle though!


Posted : 04/09/2014 10:46 pm

Thought I was the only one with these issues! I agree with all of these points too. I have a few to add:

  • wondering when it will all end
  • feeling like you have a disease
  • feeling like nobody will want to hang out with you because of your skin
  • when others comment on how bad your skin looks when you already clearly know it looks horrible

Posted : 04/09/2014 11:06 pm

>look in the mirror in one room with nice lighting, fooling yourself that the lighting is normal

"oh wow, it's actually healing a bit! These prescription treatments, vitamin supplementation, strict diet and water intake must finally be working!"

>look in the mirror in another room 5 minutes later in harsher lighting



Posted : 04/10/2014 7:13 am

Theres nothing worse then getting tagged in a photo on facebook. All my photos I meticulously search through and photoshopped if I have to too look decent. When I'm tagged I know it came from someone elses camera and I look terrible. Also I swear that one of my friends purposely picks my worse photos so they look better, I don't know...


Posted : 04/20/2014 5:50 am

Oh my, I can relate! It's like therapy :)

Here's another few:

- Feeling so very insecure whenever dating someone with perfectly clear skin - "if he knew of the horrible inflammation underneath my three layers of makeup he would probably dump me right away" UGH I hate these kinds of thoughts

- Obsessing all day if your makeup will stay in place and running to the bathroom like 20 times to redo it

- And afterwards trying to wash it all off like mad because you feel like you've been clogging your pores all day

- Being afraid to go to the gym because all your makeup will sweat off in a few seconds and it will break you out even more

- Being afraid to go swimming because of the impossible-to-cover-up acne on your chest and back

- Having to wear a turtleneck whenever your chest and neck are freaking out

- Having patients and coworkers comment on your skin (I work in a hospital - the most horrible lighting ever)

- Being afraid to go out in public because of a bad breakout

- Having tried every possible cream, oil, food supplement, cleansing method etc. there is only to find out nothing works!

- Realizing you have had acne for more than 50% of your life


Posted : 04/22/2014 6:23 pm

liWow I can basically relate to all of these... heres a few more

~Thinking your friends are about to give you a compliment and then its something about your face *cringe, cringe*

~Having to bring your acne wash, spot treatment , make up, ect. to a friends sleepover and they look at you like your crazy

~My friends being able to skip washing their faces (How do they do it!?)

~ Avoiding bathroom mirrors in public places ....

~ Only being able to wear makeup sometimes as the chance of it breaking out your face is something your not gonna risk

~ Only being able to look in one mirror in your house because its the one that makes your skin look a little better

~ Using oil blotting sheets in public (yes you can quit staring now.....)

And of course there is always the worry of people silently judging your acne.... all we can hope is that one day it will miraculously disappear.


Posted : 04/23/2014 12:21 pm

this is true, which is depressing to say...btw i like the cat


Posted : 04/23/2014 7:38 pm

Thanks ^ haha he is my happy blob of fur when im feeling down about my acne

~ Also about the depressing part yeah that's true it is quite sad , but it actually feels good to know that there are so many other people that can relate to the struggles of acne, in fact today I had a couple people comment on my face but going on here makes me feel so much better


Posted : 04/23/2014 10:28 pm

*Not confident enough to approach this cute girl because you're worried she'll think your face is nasty.

*Trying to show the side of your face with less acne acne and red marks

*Embarrassed because you see other people staring at your cheeks full of acne when they talk to you

*When people tell you to buy proactiv like its the miracle solution to your acne

*Just feeling insecure...

You liked

Posted : 04/23/2014 10:32 pm

*Popping volcano pimples before going to school because you think you look disgusting but really just end up leaving redder marks that stay for months

You liked

Posted : 04/24/2014 8:04 am

*When my best friend with perfect skin gets one pimple and moans to me about how it hurts and doesnt look nice. Seriously have you seen my skin b****!?

*Getting up in the morning and going to straight to the mirror to inspect my face and look for new pimples.

*Having to buy certain clothes to cover back/chest/neck breakouts.

*Praying to God when I have an event coming up (holiday, birthday, christmas etc.) that my skin isnt going to breakout.
