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Dr Organic Snail Gel


Posted : 12/09/2013 10:07 am

Hi all

I just thought I'd share my experience with a new product I'm trying

I'm sure most of you have heard of the new big fad of rubbing snail slime over your face, and like me thought YUK!

But, i was given some free samples of the Dr Organic Snail Gel whilst shopping in Holland and Barrett. After getting over the fact that it is snail goo, I thought what the hell, Like most people who suffer from bad skin I will try anything!

The gel contains Aloe Vera so it has a lovely fresh smell. As soon as you apply the gel it pretty much sinks in to the skin and leaves no residue behind ( I was thinking I'd have a horrid slimey/greasy face all day)

I have to say, that after only 7 days my skin looks so much healthier! It has helped the look of under eye bags, the pores on my face aren't as noticable and the best thing of all is it pretty much cleared up the 3 new spots I had on my face, leaving behind hardly any red marks or scarring.

Even my boyfriend commented on how nice my skin looked! I have not had someone make a nice comment about my skin since I was about 13 (before I got full blown teenage acne)

So, I would urge you all to give this a try. The pots are pretty pricey (Around 20) but a little goes a long way and you really won't be dissapointed.

Let me know how you get on x


Posted : 12/10/2013 3:24 am

Moved to General Acne Discussion forum
