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What Type Of Acne Do I Have?


Posted : 10/31/2013 8:09 pm

Hi guys and gals!

I'm just trying to figure out what type of acne I have. Or could it be viral? Herpes?

I get hard bumps from time to time at the corners of my jaw, bottom of my chin, and other places at times, like the one I currently have on my left side where the sideburn would be. I get small "whiteheads" at the corners of my mouth, mustaches area, and below my bottom lip. (maybe not acne but non-sexual herpes?)

I don't really know the difference between cysts and pustules and papules are.

I do know I get hard bumps that are not like white heads. I'm wondering if that's due to a food allergy, a gut imbalance, or a viral infection.

I've had mild acne for ten years. I had warts on fingers about three years ago and I know warts are viral so I'm thinking it could play a factor.

Please check out the photos and let me know what you think.

I'm looking for some serious answers.

My self-esteem and self-worth are shot. And I am depressed.

Thanks in advance...












Posted : 11/01/2013 12:18 am

Uhh...mild cystic? Looks like a food sensitivity.

Mouth stuff could be perioral dermatitis from a toothpaste or something.


Posted : 11/01/2013 5:28 am


Mild, With some cystic like Quetzlcoatl said.


To me it doesnt look bad at all. If i seen you in person i dont even think id notice unless i was right up with my face 1cm away from your skin :P


Posted : 11/01/2013 2:09 pm

Thank you both. It's just so constant. The hard ones are gross, like they're so hard. It's a flare up of something.

The little ones around the mouth drive me crazy too because anything around the mouth makes you think herpes but it can'T be sexual because i have not been sexually active. My sister thinks it's from vaccines and a poor diet from childhood which has made by body toxic. There's oral herpes which I think is HSV1.

I suppose...

I'm just looking for a cause. It's horrible not knowing the cause because then I don't know where to start in trying to eradicate.

All my labs look good. Next thing I should try is a food allergy test. I currently don't eat dairy, grains, wheat, white rice, any liquid besides water. Mostly veggies, fruit, high quality meat, and brown rice. That's pretty much it.


Thanks again to the both of you. Thanks Flumiare for the positive comment. But I've had this for years and like everyone else has tried a lot of things. I have talked to a therapist in the past about how acne makes me feel and I think I'm going to go again.

Any other suggestions are welcomed!


Posted : 11/01/2013 9:29 pm

Hmm, well do you use a Toner when you wash your face? Because it's meant to be good for acne, as long as you follow it with a moisturizer(oi-free) to replace the natural oils that the toner stripped off (the natural oil causing the acne is more than likely dirty, so its good to replace it with clean oils)

But as for the 'hard' acne you speak of, i think derms or doctors have this needle that disolve them fairly quickly. I've seen it on a youtube video of some 'Derm Practice' from a university student.

but don't take my word for it, it's just what i currently started trying about a few days ago, and i can feel my face is less oily (Not by much but about 1/4 difference) But hey its only been 3 days. tongue.png

Outsider1 liked

Posted : 11/02/2013 12:08 am

wow i wish i had skin like you lol. In anycase it looks like cystic acne but very mild


Posted : 11/05/2013 2:02 pm

Hmm, well do you use a Toner when you wash your face? Because it's meant to be good for acne, as long as you follow it with a moisturizer(oi-free) to replace the natural oils that the toner stripped off (the natural oil causing the acne is more than likely dirty, so its good to replace it with clean oils)

But as for the 'hard' acne you speak of, i think derms or doctors have this needle that disolve them fairly quickly. I've seen it on a youtube video of some 'Derm Practice' from a university student.

but don't take my word for it, it's just what i currently started trying about a few days ago, and i can feel my face is less oily (Not by much but about 1/4 difference) But hey its only been 3 days. tongue.png

I don't usually use a toner. I mainly just scrub with baking soda and moisturize with jojoba oil which makes my skin look good and moist besides the acne lol.

I'm trying to cure with natural stuff. What's a good toner, lemon?

I have a strange feeling it has something to do with my insides. Maybe I should do some enemas lol.

wow i wish i had skin like you lol. In anycase it looks like cystic acne but very mild

Thanks for your input! I know it's mild...still aggravating when you just can't be done with it. Argh! One day eusa_pray.gif


Posted : 11/06/2013 4:27 am

Oh i see your approach! Uhm, well lemon juice may be good, I did a quick search on it. And a lot of people highly reccomend it mixed with water and applied to the face as 'Natural oils' :)

I've also heard stuff from my friends using tomatoes a few times a week to cleanse the skin :)
