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Rude People Commenting On Adult Acne


Posted : 10/31/2013 7:27 pm

I just had an experience that made me feel like crap. I was talking to a lady in our street who I've just met and she said to me "I can see you've got acne on your chin and cheeks you should try medication" a) I'm on prescriptive cream b) Thanks for making me like such crap on a day I felt like my skin looked good c)Go to ettiquette class and learn how not to be so rude. Has anyone else had a similar experience?? It'd be great to think I wasn't alone lol :)


Posted : 10/31/2013 9:46 pm

Well I've told a couple people "in real life" about spironolactone just because it was such a wonder drug for me personally. But only to people who specifically complained about their acne to me. Not that they asked for advice, but if they were talking about it anyway...


Posted : 11/01/2013 4:09 am

Many things happened to me when i was younger (school) but not this.. many of us had acne anyway. If someone says something i am prepared to respond.. "i am already on medication and in a few months i will be clear (at least i hope so) but your rudeness will follow you for life".. How i will feel is another thing.. i am very sensitive and get upset easily so i believe it will ruin my day..


Posted : 11/01/2013 5:38 am

Haha I remember in the last year of highschool my face was bombarded and I decided to go out of the class for a bit because it was sunny and saw a friend of mine outside. While we were talking there were two girls my friend knew by our side and one of them asks him: Hey x how's your sex life? X: Well I don't have a girlfriend anymore so yeah :) and then she says: Oh because I noticed you have really good face skin so I was wondering.

I didn't even knew that girl, never talked to her, to this day I don't know why would someone do something like this.


Posted : 11/01/2013 9:35 am

Haha I remember in the last year of highschool my face was bombarded and I decided to go out of the class for a bit because it was sunny and saw a friend of mine outside. While we were talking there were two girls my friend knew by our side and one of them asks him: Hey x how's your sex life? X: Well I don't have a girlfriend anymore so yeah smile.png and then she says: Oh because I noticed you have really good face skin so I was wondering.

I didn't even knew that girl, never talked to her, to this day I don't know why would someone do something like this.

Well, thats the bi** you wanna marry..


Posted : 11/01/2013 11:28 am

I just had an experience that made me feel like crap. I was talking to a lady in our street who I've just met and she said to me "I can see you've got acne on your chin and cheeks you should try medication" a) I'm on prescriptive cream b) Thanks for making me like such crap on a day I felt like my skin looked good c)Go to ettiquette class and learn how not to be so rude. Has anyone else had a similar experience?? It'd be great to think I wasn't alone lol smile.png

Well you are beautiful though so what's few pimples gonna matter.


Posted : 11/01/2013 2:14 pm

Haha I remember in the last year of highschool my face was bombarded and I decided to go out of the class for a bit because it was sunny and saw a friend of mine outside. While we were talking there were two girls my friend knew by our side and one of them asks him: Hey x how's your sex life? X: Well I don't have a girlfriend anymore so yeah smile.png and then she says: Oh because I noticed you have really good face skin so I was wondering.

I didn't even knew that girl, never talked to her, to this day I don't know why would someone do something like this.

What goes around comes around. She probably has low-self esteem and took it out on someone she can feel powerful over. What she doesn't know is that she just feeds her insecurity even further when she has to look at her own life. These people are like vampires looking for others to hurt. These people can never advance spiritually unless they learn.


Posted : 11/01/2013 5:19 pm

Sorry you had to experience that :(. I experienced things like that in high school, now that I'm in uni I'd like to believe that people are more civil... Don't you just hate it when you can see someone staring back and forth from your eyes to your acne? Ugh... horrible feeling.


Posted : 11/01/2013 6:08 pm

Someone made a comment to me at work once. They made it seemed like they were concerned and all but the last thing they said was.. "You could go see a doctor and get onto accutane." Now I have never talked to this person about my acne before and they know nothing about my situation. So I was pretty pissed when they said it. They made it seem like accutane was just some innocent pill. I wouldn't walk up to someone and just say hey... You should talk to a doctor and get onto accutane. You shouldn't suggest it so carelessly and especially if you have no clue what you're talking about. Oh... And they decided to say it in front of everyone I work with.


Posted : 11/02/2013 2:53 am

I just had an experience that made me feel like crap. I was talking to a lady in our street who I've just met and she said to me "I can see you've got acne on your chin and cheeks you should try medication" a) I'm on prescriptive cream b) Thanks for making me like such crap on a day I felt like my skin looked good c)Go to ettiquette class and learn how not to be so rude. Has anyone else had a similar experience?? It'd be great to think I wasn't alone lol :)

Definitely a rude a-hole. Good way to handle it is to make return comment that points out one of her personal deficiencies => eye for an eye approach will usually shut those kind of people up.


Posted : 11/02/2013 4:10 am

The first job I had was working as a waitress at the restaurant in the Hilton, and I was already insecure about my general appearance being only 16 at the time and was very badly bullied at school which didn't help at all.

And I remember hearing a group of female co-workers whispering and laughing about my skin. I heard something along the lines of

''It looks disgusting. I'm surprised they even gave her a job here because it probably makes the customers feel sick''.

One of the girls said ''Erm..don't they have medication for that ?'' pulling an expression at my face like she'd sucked on a lemon or something.

Nasty comments like that are hurtful from any one, even little kids who don't understand the effects of it, but to hear it from adults...

They should know a lot better. And when you're just trying to get on with your day as best you can, they're completely uncalled for.


Posted : 11/02/2013 4:22 am

Ok, I have to share my most horrific acne tale too. This happened when I was about 14 and we had disco in school. Me and my "friend" were standing besides four of most popular girls of our school and my "friend" said to these girls "would you like to dance with my friend?" and the girls didn't respond they just giggled and then my "friend" said "well who the hell would like to dance with that kind of pizza face anyway". So yeah, needles to say I left the disco and spend that night crying alone. Life is sweet sometimes, lol.


Posted : 11/02/2013 9:32 am

Thanks for all your replies guys! It gave me such a lift I'm so glad I'm not alone :) I don't know what I'd do without this website :)


Posted : 11/04/2013 10:32 pm

umm yeah. I remember working up the courage to come to class without any makeup on. The girl sitting in front of me, who had perfect skin, turned around, gasped, and said "wow, am I that ugly too when I don't get any sleep?" and then covered her face with her hands.

on another occasion, when i was 13 and didn't start wearing makeup yet, my friend actually came up to me in school and asked me why I looked so ugly.
