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Is Emulsifying Ointment Bp Safe To Use?


Posted : 10/17/2013 6:21 am

I visited my GP today to get a prescription for Duac (benzoyl peroxide 5% + clindamycin 1% - it worked well in the past) and asked him if I should also be moisturising. I have sensitive/ combination skin which is sometimes dry and sometimes very oily, and I know that Duac can dry out the skin. He said that most people should moisturise, and recommended I buy some emulsifying ointment.

I picked some up with the Duac, but it looks like quite heavy-duty stuff, and the main ingredients are wax. I'm apprehensive about putting this on my face in case it breaks me out. Has anyone used this before? Would it be a good idea to try it on a small patch of skin for a while before I chuck a whole load over my face?

Oh, and I'm 24, female, with mild (at times moderate) acne - a couple of cysts and a few of those annoying blocked pores splattered over my cheeks and jaw.


Posted : 10/17/2013 9:11 am

You should be rather asking if DUAC is safer to use or not? My answer would be 'NO'. I myself used it many times but it was just drying out my skin even when I was using a moisturizer and made it look much worse. Yes it worked for few weeks or so but then again due to excessive dryness, the oil glands produced more sebum oil to compensate for the dryness, which lead to acne breakouts. You should be definitely using some moisturizer so that you skin does not get dry or else you may get Acne breakouts. Emulsifying ointment is completely safe to moisturize your face but If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using it immediately and inform your doctor immediately. Try to leave a few minutes between applying Emulsifying ointment and DUAC. Drink lots of water to moisturize the skin naturally.
Ashish Sharma,