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Little Hard White


Posted : 10/06/2013 2:51 am

I have many of little hard white things on my face but of on forehead. Half of it is under the skin half is rise up. It make my skin feel is sand paper. It is very easy to pick, no blood come out when pick. non inflamed . I have like 1000 of it on my face. some of them still under skin and some are half. Can anyone tell me what they are and the cause.




Posted : 10/06/2013 3:14 am

The devil, manifest in skin.

Keratin plugs.

There is no escape.

No but seriously, you can try using a retinoid or a salicylic acid wash. Also manual exfoliations: wet a washcloth with warm/hot water. Place it over your skin. Press down gently to push the heat in, and keep it there until the towel is no longer hot. Then squeeze out the towel, wet it again, repeat a couple of times. Then, gently, rub the towel over your skin with one or two fingers. Do not scrape the towel over your skin. Many of the plugs should come out on the towel. Many will remain - that's what the retinoid/salicylic acid is for.
