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Acne And Family Relations


Posted : 09/18/2013 2:14 pm

Hello there I am 16 years old (17 in 3 months yaay!) and I have been suffering from acne for about 2-3 years and there was a stage where my skin was horrible as I had acne all over the my face and back.

My dad and brother both had severe acne and left them with scaring but I did all I can to avoid being in that position. Their acne started to clear up when they were around about 17-18 years old.

Now it comes my question, will that mean that my acne will start to clear up around that age or not?

So far my skin has seemed to calm down on the breakouts as I only have around five small red spots around my face and some back-acne.

Could someone help me out please?


Posted : 09/20/2013 12:21 pm

Sounds like yours could clear up at around the same age, but that's what I call "a definite maybe." It depends, honestly. Did theirs clear up out of the blue and how long did they have acne? You've only had it for a couple years, so you're luckier than a lot of us. I've had it for like 8-9 years!

Honestly, I'd just try to take it one day at a time. Don't get too hopeful that it will go away within a year of two because if it doesn't, you'll probably be pretty pissed about it. Plus, you left out 50% of your gene equation... your mom! Did she ever have acne and if so, when did hers go away? Lots of variables.
