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Is There More To My Insane Breakout?


Posted : 09/05/2013 8:06 pm

I'm sooooo incredibly fed up. I've had a few pimples here and there but this is insane!


About 4 months ago my face was completely clear and I felt that I didn't even need any foundation at all. That lasted a couple of weeks...and then I started getting tiny little bumps all over my face. I've seen others post pictures but never have I seen so many. Luckily I was a live in nanny and didn't need to wear makeup often. I figured it was an allergic reaction. Fast forward a month...I began to get cysts all over my cheeks, chin (places I've never even had acne before) I had never even had a cyst, to my knowledge, before.

The last 2 months have been hell!!!!! I haven't been going out. My face is pure red, cysts everywhere. Huge pimples with multiple heads on them. I refuse to start using topical treatments and I believe this is an imbalance of some sort. Planning on going to the doctor but I don't have much faith in that.


Anybody else have a similar experience?


I've been using diluted Braggs ACV for the past month and a half trying to see if things get better but they aren't really.


Posted : 09/05/2013 11:31 pm

I'm 25/f...usually pretty clear skin.


I have a hunch it could have been the Witch Hazel I was using at the time to be honest but it's weird how it was helping to fade my scars and I had not one pimple for weeks.

Any thoughts?


Posted : 09/06/2013 12:32 am

Quickly cut out all wheat. Slowly introduce whole wheat and see if that makes a difference. It did for me. There is a correlation to what you eat and your skin


Here's a crazy treatment that I've been using for the last three weeks and I do notice a difference: extra virgin olive oil as a cleanser! I know crazy but it seems to be working very well for me. Google it and you'll see a bunch of sites with this info.


Hope this helps.


Posted : 09/06/2013 4:21 am

