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Sulfur Based Treatment Has Made The Biggest Difference


Posted : 09/01/2013 1:09 pm

Hey there. I've been lurking on here for quite a while *reviews, things like that mainly* and always had said that if I found something that works that I would create an account. WELL.. here I am.


For a little background, I'm a college kid in a humid, hot place that surely isn't the most blemish-friendly. I've had acne since freshman/sophmore year of highschool, and at first it didn't really bother me. Mind you, I'm a pretty attractive guy, and was always told it didn't detract from my appearance very much, and I was always thankful for that. Fast forward a little bit, and it started to get to the point where I was very self conscious about it. Everyone had perfect skin but me, right? Anywho, its fair to say Iv tried everything. Just water, BP, SA, neem, every bogus "fruit extract" on the planet, and nothing seemed to work.


I have given all of them a fair length of time to show effectiveness, and was spot on with my diligence- it wasn't user error lol.


Cut out gluten, that didn't help. Cut out dairy, that helped a little. No supplement did much with the exception of niacinamide. Zinc, omegas, all of that seemed to make it worse.


After a few years, I frankly began to just ignore it. why worry about something you can't control? It's fair to say, like many out there, I would have smeared poop on my face if it meant a clear complexion lol.



Then, about 6 monthes ago, I tried the Grisi sulfur soap off of Amazon, and a few other sulfur producte after some research. After some fine tuning, I decided to make my own! Figured id post it for anyone who might find it useful, as it has cleared me 95% and kept everything under control.


I bought sumblimed sulfur powder off of Amazon, and mixed it into the Cerave moisturizer. *I use a gram scale to measure out 8% and 20% lotion for whole face and spot treat at night, respectively* I cleanse with the Cerave hydrating cleanser, pat dry, then apply metazene gel and wait for that to dry. Lastly, i slather on some of my 8% sulfur moisturizer that i made, and massage it in. The powder isn't micronized, so it takes a bit to get it worked in. That's it! It keeps me flake free, non greasy, and treated, lol.


My type of acne is really just the garden variety zits, with a hard sebum plug at the center of all of them. I use a comedone extractor and a needle for when I have to pick, and don't touch my face throughout the day. That's it!


Hopefully this will help someone else, or give a little more credibility to the sulfur methods out there.




On another note, would you agree that a once-acne-sufferer is the most confident kind of person out there? It really is a humbling thing that really makes you appreciate the small things. Anyway, end of rant lol. Thanks!


Posted : 09/01/2013 3:30 pm

Thank you for sharing- and congrats on finding your answer. Can you explain more about how you measure the powder to mix with the moisturizer?

Are you saying at night you make an 8% sulfur/92% lotion mixture for your whole face? weighing the 8% and the 92%?


Posted : 09/01/2013 3:57 pm

Thanks! And exactly, I usually make small batches of about a weeks worth and just store it in a little jar. I mix 18.4g of moisturizer with 1.6g of the sublimed sulfur powder.
