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Acne Gone Wrong


Posted : 05/29/2013 11:55 pm

Help help help I have acne for a few years now pretty bad too, an I swear I'm starting to get cystic acne I showe every day wash my dash with products like as seen how and I just don't know what to do anymore


Posted : 05/30/2013 1:27 am

I've been suffering from frequent Cysts and deep nodule breakouts for almost 3 years now. Tried everything ranging from natural remedies all the way to Benzoyl Peroxide. Natural remedies and dieting had NO IMPACT on MY cystic acne. BP works really well for pimples that have a clear head but do nothing to cure cysts.

Now I am currently on day 25 of my Accutane treatment. And I swear to you that Accutane does work, I've only so far only experienced the common side effects like dry skin and chapped lips, nothing too bad. The results are amazing. I no longer have breakouts even when i stay up really late. Before Accutane, going to bed late was a death sentence for my face, but now, not a single pimple developes. As for my cysts, they are slowly going down. Remember WARM COMPRESS!!!!!!!!!

But the important thing is that Accutane has helped to prevent further cysts from appearing.

Too long didn't read: Get Accutane, it's a face savereusa_pray.gif if you can handle the side effects.
